(magistrsko delo)
Suzana Koštomaj (Author), Ana Habjanič (Mentor), Majda Pajnkihar (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo opredelili vlogo izvajalcev paliativne oskrbe v institucionalnem varstvu in predstavili posamezne elemente kakovostne in učinkovite paliativne oskrbe. Namen je bil raziskati strokovno področje zdravstvenih delavcev (predvsem članov negovalnega tima), ki prihajajo v stik z neozdravljivo bolnimi in umirajočimi pacienti, ter ugotoviti, kakšna so njihova stališča do organiziranosti paliativne oskrbe v institucionalnem varstvu. Raziskovalna metodologija: Uporabljena je bila kvantitativna metodologija raziskovanja. Rezultate smo zbirali s tehniko delno strukturiranih vprašalnikov, prilagojenih po avstralskem dokumentu The palliative Care Evaluation Tool Kit: A compendium of tools to aid in the evaluation of palliative care projects. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 100 zaposlenih s področja zdravstvene nege, potekala je v januarju 2014 v treh socialno varstvenih zavodih (Lambrechtov dom, Dom starejših Šentjur in Koroški dom starostnikov). Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da anketirani zdravstveni delavci v institucionalnem varstvu nimajo strokovno razširjenega znanja s področja paliativne oskrbe. Delno poznajo pravice neozdravljivo bolnih in umirajočih pacientov. Precej šibki so tudi pri poznavanju načel in značilnosti paliativne oskrbe. S statističnimi testi smo potrdili (p=0,0381), da stopnja izobrazbe pomembno vpliva na znanje s področja paliativne oskrbe. Sklep: Izvajanje paliativne oskrbe zahteva od zdravstvenega delavca veliko dodatnega znanja, veščin in absolutno pozitivno naravnanost in samoiniciativnost. Kakovostno paliativno oskrbo bi lahko širše zagotavljali, če bi institucije več vlagale v izobraževanje zaposlenih s področja paliative. Potrebno bi bilo organizirano pristopiti h kontinuirani paliativni oskrbi. Raziskava nakazuje posamezne usmeritve vodstvom vključenih institucij pri nadaljnem delu na področju paliativne oskrbe.


paliativna oskrba;negovalni tim;etični vidik;pravice neozdravljivo bolnih;pravice umirajočih;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [S. Koštomaj]
UDC: 616-036-8-083(043.2)
COBISS: 2027172 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1916
Downloads: 576
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This master's thesis defines the role of palliative care providers in institutional care and introduces particular features of high-quality and effective palliative care. The purpose of this master's thesis is to study the area of expertise of medical workers (mainly the members of the nursing team) who come into contact with terminally ill and dying patients, and to discover their views of the organization of palliative care in institutional care facilities. Research method: A quantitative research method was applied. The results were gathered by means of semi-structured questionnaires, modified according to the Australian document The Palliative Care Evaluation Tool Kit: A compendium of tools to aid in the evaluation of palliative care projects. The research included 100 employees in the field of nursing, and it took place in three social assistance institutions (Lambrecht Retirement Home, Šentjur Home for the Elderly, and the Koroška Home for the Elderly) in January 2014. Results: The research results showed that the surveyed medical personnel in institutional care facilities do not have extended expert knowledge in the field of palliative care. They are partially familiar with the rights of the terminally ill and dying patients. Their knowledge of the principles and features of palliative care is also quite poor. Statistical tests confirmed (p=0.0381) that the level of education significantly affects knowledge in the field of palliative care. Conclusion: The performance of palliative care requires a lot of additional knowledge, skills, as well as absolute positive attitude and self-initiative from the health care worker. High-quality palliative care could be provided more widely if institutions invested more into the education of employees in the field of palliative care. Continuous palliative care should be approached in an organized manner. The study signals particular guidelines for the management of institutions included in the future work in the field of palliative care.
Secondary keywords: palliative care;nursing team;ethical perspective;the rights of terminally ill;the rights of dying patients;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: IX, 89 str., 11 f. pril.
ID: 8728650