magistrsko delo
Doroteja Majcen (Author), Vlasta Hus (Mentor)


Didaktična igra se uporablja kot učna metoda, imeti mora vse lastnosti igre in dosegati določene (učne) cilje. Didaktična igra zunaj učilnice nudi učencu izkušnje in ob njej razvija pozitiven odnos do okolja in narave, kar je pri pouku spoznavanja okolja še posebej poudarjeno. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili predmet spoznavanja okolja ter navedli didaktična priporočila za uresničevanje ciljev predmeta in vpeljevanje pouka spoznavanja okolja v naravo. Našteli in opisali smo didaktične strategije pri poučevanju predmeta spoznavanja okolja ter izpostavili izkustveno učenje. Podrobneje smo opisali didaktične igre in učenje zunaj učilnice. V empiričnem delu smo proučili, kakšen odnos imajo učiteljice razrednega pouka do didaktičnih iger zunaj učilnice, kako načrtujejo in kako izvajajo didaktične igre zunaj učilnice. Za ta namen smo uporabili strukturirani intervju z učiteljicami razrednega pouka. Učiteljice imajo pozitiven odnos do izvajanja didaktičnih iger zunaj učilnice pri pouku spoznavanja okolja, vendar se pri tem srečujejo z določenimi težavami: premalo didaktičnega materiala, premalo spremljevalcev, neprimerna lega šole, finančne omejitve, zahtevnejša učna priprava in tudi pomanjkljiva usposobljenost. Učiteljice menijo, da se učenci raje učijo v naravnem okolju in da je pri tem zapomnitev učne snovi pri učencih boljša. V praktičnem delu predstavljamo dvajset primerov didaktičnih iger zunaj učilnice, ki jih lahko učitelji vključijo v poučevanje predmeta spoznavanje okolja od 1. do 3. razreda.


didaktika;spoznavanje okolja;učenje na prostem;izkustveno učenje;didaktične igre;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Majcen]
UDC: 37.091.3:5(043.2)
COBISS: 20867080 Link will open in a new window
Views: 4248
Downloads: 1715
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: A didactic game is used as a teaching method and has to include all characteristics of a game and gain determined teaching goals at the same time. An outdoor didactic game provides experience to the students so they can develop a positive attitude towards the environment and nature which is especially emphasized at the Environmental Education. In the theoretical part of the thesis the subject Environmental Education is presented along with didactic recommendations for reaching the goals of the subject and bringing environmental education outdoors. This part states and describes didactic strategies at teaching Environmental Education and emphasizes learning from experience. It thoroughly describes didactic games and learning outdoors. The empiric part includes a research about the teachers' attitude towards outdoor didactic games, about their plans of these games and their realization. The results are based on a structured interview with the teachers, and they show that the teachers have a positive attitude to performing outdoor didactic games in Environmental Education; however, there are some problems in that regard, such as: the lack of didactic material, the lack of assistants, inappropriate school location, the lack of financial means, more exacting lesson plans and inefficient qualification. Teachers believe that pupils prefer having lessons outdoors and that in that case, they memorize the lessons more thoroughly. The practice part represents twenty examples of outdoor didactic games that can be implied within the subject of Environmental Education for pupils from the first to the third class of primary school.
Secondary keywords: didactics;environmental education;outdoor teaching;learning from experience;didactic games;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 194 f.
ID: 8728774