magistrsko delo
Aleš Kapun (Author), Karl Gotlih (Mentor), Miran Rodič (Mentor), Simon Brezovnik (Co-mentor)


V zadnjih nekaj letih si težko predstavljamo moderno industrijo brez avtomatizacije in robotizacije proizvodnje. V ta namen se podjetja odločajo za uporabo industrijskih robotov, saj s tem znižujejo stroške in povečujejo produktivnost. Z uvedbo avtomatizacije in robotizacije se na trgu pojavljajo vedno nove aplikacije, povezane z robotizacijo. Med te nove aplikacije v robotiki sodi uporaba simulacijskih programov za modeliranje proizvodnih sistemov, ki postaja vse bolj pomemben del načrtovanja proizvodnega sistema. Prednost simulacijskih programov se kaže predvsem v programiranju proizvodne celice v virtualnem okolju. Virtualno okolje proizvodne celice pa ni ključnega pomena le za industrijo, ampak je koristno tudi na pedagoški ravni. Učenje upravljanja robotskega mehanizma je s simulacijskimi programi enostavnejše, hitrejše in preglednejše, virtualno okolje proizvodne celice pa predstavlja kopijo realnega okolja robota. V magistrski nalogi je bila v programskem okolju ABB RobotStudio izdelana virtualna proizvodna celica z robotom ACMA XR701. V virtualno proizvodno celico je bila zraven robota dodana sedma prostostna stopnja, in sicer CNC-robotska obračalna miza, ki je izdelana s postopkom povratnega inženiringa za simulacijo rezkanja kovinskih in nekovinskih materialov. Za boljšo primerljivost realne in virtualne proizvodne celice smo dodali tudi ostale elemente realne proizvodne celice, kot so model zaščitne ograje, model krmilne omare, model priprave za odlaganje orodja robota itd. Prav tako je bil opisan potek izdelave virtualne robotske celice od začetka do konca izdelave ter osnovni ukazi programa RobotStudio. Na koncu magistrske naloge so podani rezultati testiranja izdelane virtualne proizvodne celice ter možne izboljšave ali nadgradnje. S postopkom 3D-tiska sta bila prav tako izdelana realni model CNC-robotske obračalne mize ter model robota ACMA XR701. Tridimenzionalni model je bil v učne namene izdelan v razmerju 1:100.


virtualna proizvodna celica;ACMA XR701;robot;RobotStudio;simulacija;CNC-robotska obračalna miza;povratni inženiring;modeliranje;atos;tritop;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Kapun]
UDC: 004.946:[007.52:681.5](043.2)
COBISS: 17738262 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2083
Downloads: 256
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Virtual manufacturing cell with robot ACMA XR701
Secondary abstract: In the last few years it is hard to imagine modern industry without the use of automation and robotics in production. Until now, the companies decided to use industrial robots in order to reduce costs and increase productivity. With the introduction of automation and robotics, new applications related to robotics keep ocurning on the market. Among the latest applications in robotics are the ones, which include application of simulation programs for modeling of manufacturing systems. This method is becoming an increasingly important part of planning the production system. The advantage of simulation programs is mainly presented by programming production cells in a virtual environment. The virtual environment of the production cell is not only crucial for the industrial applications, but is also useful in the teaching process. Learning of robotic mechanisms' control with the use of simulation programs is simpler, faster and more transparent, virtual environment production cells represents a copy of the real robot environment. In this master thesis a virtual manufacturing cell with robot ACMA XR701 was built in the programming environment ABB RobotStudio. In the virtual manufacturing cell next to the robot the seventh degree of freedom, namely robotic CNC-turning table, was included, which was designed with the use of reverse engineering in order to simulate the milling of metallic and non-metallic materials. For better comparability of real and virtual manufacturing cells other elements of the real production cells were introduced, like a guardrails model, control box model, model for tool storage robot, etc. Also the course of development of a virtual robot cell has been described from construction start to finish, and basic commands of RobotStudio were presented. At the end of the master's thesis the results of tests made with the virtual manufacturing cell and possible improvements or upgrades are presented. By the 3D printing process also a realistic model of robotic CNC with rotary table and a model of the robot ACMA XR701 was created. Three-dimensional model was built in the ratio of 1:100, for teaching purposes.
Secondary keywords: virtual manufacturing cell;ACMA XR701;robot;RobotStudio;simulation;CNC robotic turning table;reverse engineering;modeling;atos;tritop;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Mehatronika
Pages: XIII, 83 str., 11 f.
ID: 8728792