magistrsko delo
Damjan Ilievski (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Stres nas spremlja na vsakem koraku tekom naše življenjske poti, na kar vplivata predvsem tok življenja in kombinacija uravnavanja zasebnega in poslovnega življenja. Z vsakim letom se pojavlja več težav, ki so posredno ali neposredno povezane z vplivom stresa na človeka. Vendar se je pomembno zavedati, da stres ne prinaša samo neprijetnih posledic, v določenih primerih učinki stresa delujejo v dobro človeka in mu pomagajo pri razrešitvi težav, zaradi katerih je prišlo do nastanka stresa. Posledice stresa so lahko torej tudi pozitivne narave, vendar pa zaradi negativnih posledic nastajajo nove težave, ki se lahko odražajo v slabem počutju, bolezenskih težavah ali v hujših oblikah. Posledice stresa ne vplivajo samo na posameznika, ampak tudi na okolje, tako zasebno kot poslovno. Pomembno je, da vemo, kako se stres odraža pri zaposlenih v delovnem okolju in kakšne so posledice za organizacijo. Kot že vemo, je stres lahko vzrok bolezenskega stanja, kar v primeru organizacije pomeni povišan strošek. Vendar pa stres deluje tudi negativno na delovno storilnost. Zaradi vpliva stresa so zaposleni pogosto manj motivirani za opravljanje delovnih nalog, so manj učinkoviti pri opravljanju svojih zadolžitev in zanje porabijo več časa. Ena izmed posledic stresa je tudi izgorelost, ki posledično manjša človekovo učinkovitost na delovnem mestu. Opažamo, da stres, ki je prisoten v posameznikovem življenju, ne vpliva samo na posameznika, ampak tudi na organizacijo, v kateri je zaposlen. Ker stres ni samo enodimenzionalen problem, v raziskovalnem delu obravnavamo problematiko na individualni ravni, organizacijski ravni, opisana pa je tudi problematika na družbeni ravni. Na individualni in organizacijski ravni odkrivamo posledice stresa, načine prepoznavanja vzroka za nastanek stresa ter razne metode odpravljanja posledic stresa. Na posameznikovi ravni je predvsem pomembna uporaba individualnih sprostitvenih metod, ki lahko znatno omilijo posledice. Na organizacijski ravni pa sta predstavljena postopek prepoznave stresa, snovanja in izvajanja aktivnosti za zmanjšanje prisotnosti stresa ter kontrola teh aktivnosti. V raziskovalnem delu smo teoretičnemu razumevanju problema želeli dodati še dodatno širino. To smo storili s praktično raziskavo v organizaciji Okrožno sodišče v Slovenj Gradcu. Na sodišču smo opravili raziskavo z istim vprašalnikom v dveh različnih obdobjih. Prvič smo raziskavo opravili leta 2011, ko je bilo v raziskavo vključenih 60 % zaposlenih, leta 2013 pa 92 % zaposlenih v strokovnih službah. Iz raziskave so bile zaradi specifike dela izvzete sodne službe, predvsem z namenom, da bi pridobili čim bolj realne rezultate. V raziskavi smo predstavili podatke za vsako leto posebej, nato pa smo podatke med seboj primerjali ter tako pridobili rezultate, kako se je stanje stresa spremenilo v obdobju treh let. Na koncu smo organizaciji predstavili še nekaj pristopov, kako se na problematiko lahko odzovejo v prihodnosti.


zaposleni;delovno mesto;delovno okolje;stres;stresorji;vrste;dejavniki;premagovanje;posledice;sodišča;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Ilievski]
UDC: 331.44
COBISS: 11714332 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1480
Downloads: 121
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of stress at work in organization Okrožno sodišče Slovenj Gradec
Secondary abstract: Stress has become a constant in people’s lives. The cause for that is the way of life and the finding balance between the private and professional life. In the past years, there have been more and more problems that can be directly or indirectly attributed to the impact of stress. The important thing to know is that stress causes not only unpleasant consequences, but can also affect people in a way that helps them to resolve the cause of the stressful situation. Therefore we can say the affects of stress can also have positive effects, but we must be aware of the negative effects that can lead to health problems or worse. Stress impact not only on individuals, but also their environment; therefore, a person is affected in their personal as well as in their professional life. It is important to know that stress has an impact within the business environment and within an entire organization. We already know that—due to stress—there can be many health complications, which cause higher expenses for companies. Stress affects companies not only through higher medical expenses, but also through lower productivity. Due to stress, employees are less motivated, less productive and they need more time to finish their assignments. Burnout is one of the consequences of stress and it is directly connected with lower productivity. Thus, we can see that even companies as such are not immune to stress effects, through their employees. Because stress is not a one-dimensional problem, we try to address it on the individual, organizational and social levels. On individual and organizational levels we try to find the source of the work-related stress, its consequences and methods to prevent its impacts. The use of stress release methods on an individual level is very important, as it can mitigate the stress-related consequences. On the organizational level, we present procedures—from recognizing stress sources, forming and implementing stress reduction activities to controlling the implemented activities. In the master’s thesis, we wanted to augment the theoretical part with practical research; therefore we carried out a survey in the Slovenj Gradec District Court. Practical research with a questionnaire was done in two different periods. The first survey was carried out in 2011, when 60% of employees were surveyed, and in 2013, when 90% of the employees in professional services were surveyed. Judges, lawyers and prosecutors were excluded from the survey, due to the nature of their work, with the intention to get reliable results. In the practical research, we presented the results for both years and separately, and compared them against each other. We carried out the comparison analysis and presented the changes in the period of three years. In the conclusion, we tried to present several approaches for the organization to be more successful in coping with stress.
Secondary keywords: stress;work-related stress;stress sources;stress consequences;stress-reducing methods;organizational approaches for reducing stress;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 86 str., 9 str. pril.
ID: 8728885
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