magistrsko delo
Andreja Šegula (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Kljub tehnološkemu napredku, ki v današnjem času olajšuje življenje, vse večkrat obstaja občutek, da se je vedno težje upirati vsakdanjim pritiskom. Prav zato so pri usklajevanju delovnih in domačih obveznosti potrebni koristni napotki za obvladovanje in nadziranje neprestanih zahtev. Zaradi prevelikih delovnih obremenitev se zaposleni v delovnem okolju nenehno srečujejo s stresom. Zato je potrebno uvesti rešitve, ki bodo pomagale pri boljšem obvladovanju teh težav in ki bodo v življenje vnesle vsaj nekaj miru in zbranosti. Vzroki stresa se lahko nahajajo v notranjosti vsakega posameznika ali pa izvirajo iz njegovega okolja, bodisi socialnega ali delovnega. Če je okolje zaposlenega pogosto stresno, hitreje podlega motnjam, povezanim s tesnobo, ki v njem povzročajo napetost, napade panike in lahko povsem izčrpajo človeka, v hujših oblikah pa povzročijo resne motnje duševnega zdravja. Stres ne prizadene le posameznika ampak tudi organizacijo, v kateri zaposleni deluje, in družbo kot celoto. Posledice, ki jih prinaša stres, so lahko čustvene, vedenjske in telesne narave, in predstavljajo način, s katerim se organizem odzove na spremembe, obenem pa organizaciji predstavljajo velik strošek. Najhujše posledice stresa na ravni posameznika se pokažejo kot izgorelost, izčrpanost, kronična utrujenost in v najhujšem primeru kot smrt zaradi prevelikega stresa. Na organizacijskem nivoju pa je stres povezan s stroški zaradi bolezenskih odsotnosti zaposlenih z dela in s stroški zdravljenja zaposlenih, stroški absentizma, stroški prezgodnjih upokojitev, sodnimi stroški, stroški, nastalih zaradi škode na opremi, zmanjšanja produktivnosti, v nekaterih primerih pa tudi izgube dobrega imena in ugleda. Kljub temu pa si vodstvo podjetja pogosto zatiska oči pred problemom in se ne želi soočiti s stresom svojih zaposlenih, saj meni, da je stres posameznika posameznikov problem, prav tako pa tudi njegova rešitev. Stresu se ni mogoče izogniti, saj je del vsakdanjega življenja. Z njim se je mogoče srečati tako v domačem kot delovnem okolju. Najpomembnejše so veščine obvladovanja stresa, saj nam omogočajo poiskati ravnotežje med različnimi področji življenja. S tem pa se ohranja tudi telesno in duševno zdravje. Najpogostejši načini za obvladovanje stresa so različne tehnike sproščanja. Z njimi je mogoče odkriti, kako prilagoditi svoje vedenje in svoj življenjski slog dopolniti s strategijami. Če se zaposleni negativnih učinkov stresa zavedajo in jih skušajo obvladati in odpraviti, lahko s tem bistveno pripomorejo k uspešnosti celotne organizacije. Stresorji, zaradi katerih so zaposleni najpogosteje pod stresom, so: vrsta zaposlitve, razmejitve med delom in nedelom, opredelitev vlog, organizacijski dejavniki, nadlegovanje in nasilje na delovnem mestu, različni delovni pogoji in delovne razmere ter organizacijska klima in kultura. Zavedati se je potrebno, da stres ni vedno slab. Mnogokrat deluje spodbudno in omogoča napredovanje skozi življenje ter lažje doseganje zastavljenih ciljev. Potrebno se je zavedati le intenzivnosti in trajanja stresnega stanja, ki ima lahko škodljive posledice za zdravje. Z raziskavo obvladovanja stresa na delovnem mestu se je ugotavljalo, kako se ubraniti pritiskov in napetosti, ki jih prinaša življenje, kako se s stresom soočiti in kako ga najlažje obvladati. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na več sklopov. Temeljna sklopa sta teoretični in empirični vidik problematike. Prvi, teoretični, del je osredotočen na opredelitev stresa in soočanje s stresom na delovnem mestu, predstavlja pa tudi obvladovanje stresa na delovnem mestu, kjer so podrobno prikazani ukrepi za obvladovanje stresa na individualni pa tudi sistemski ravni. Na koncu teoretičnega dela so opisane še tehnike za premagovanje stresa oziroma tehnike sproščanja ter strategije za zmanjšanje stresa pri zaposlenih. V drugem, empiričnem delu magistrske naloge sledi predstavitev podjetja Tames d. o. o., v nadaljevanju pa prikaz analize obvladovanja stresa zaposlenih izb


stres;obvladovanje stresa;izgorevanje;delovno mesto;sproščanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Šegula]
UDC: 331.44
COBISS: 11757340 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1783
Downloads: 436
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Stress management in the workplace at the company Tames Ltd.
Secondary abstract: Despite all the technological advancements, which make todays life easier, we feel more and more often difficult to resist daily pressures. Useful advice is therefore necessary to manage and control endless requirements when trying to coordinate work and home commitments. Due to excessive workloads, employees are constantly under stress at the workplace, therefore it is necessary to introduce solutions that will help to manage all these problems better and bring at least some peace and concentration into life. Causes of stress can originate from the inner self of an individual, or, are the result of his/her environment, whether social or work environment. If the employee works in an environment, which is often stressful, he/she rapidly succumbs to disorders, which are caused by anxiety and lead to tension and panic attacks, which can completely exhaust an individual and in more severe forms cause serious mental health disorders. Stress does not affect the individual only but also the organization in which the employee works and society as a whole. Consequences, brought about by stress can be emotional, behavioural or physical, and represent the way the organism responds to changes and at the same time lead to significant costs for the organization. The worst effects of stress on the individual level are burnout, exhaustion, chronic fatigue and in the worst case death due to excessive stress. At the organizational level, stress leads to costs associated with sick leaves and medical costs of employees, absenteeism costs, premature retirement and court costs, costs incurred due to damage done to the equipment, loss of productivity and in some cases, loss of goodwill and reputation. Notwithstanding all of the above, corporate executives often look the other way when it comes to this problem and do not wish to deal with stress of their employees, as they believe that stress is a problem of the individual and that they should deal with it themselves. The fact, that stress can be completely avoided is inconceivable. Stress cannot be avoided. It is a part of everyday life and is present in the domestic and work environment. That is exactly why skills, which manage stress are the most important, since they enable finding equilibrium on various areas of life and thus maintain physical and mental health. The most common ways to deal with stress are various relaxation techniques. With them it is possible to find out how to adapt behaviours and complement lifestyle with strategies. If employees are aware of negative effects of stress and try to cope with and overcome them, they can significantly contribute to the success of the entire organization. Stressors, due to which employees are mostly under stress, are: type of employment, boundaries between work and non-work, role definitions, organizational factors, harassment and violence at the workplace, various working conditions and also organizational climate and culture. However, it is necessary to be aware that the stress is not always bad. It often has a stimulating effect, and allows advancement in life and an easier achievement of objectives. What we should be aware of is the intensity and duration of stressful conditions that may have adverse effects on health. The study, which examined the management of stress at the workplace, showed how to deal with pressures and tensions of life, how to deal with stress and how to manage it in the easiest fashion. The Master's thesis is divided into several sections. The basic two sections are the theoretical and empirical aspect of the problem. The first, the theoretical part focuses on the definition of and dealing with stress at the workplace and also describes stress management at the workplace, presenting measures to deal with stress on an individual and systemic level in detail. At the end of the theoretical part techniques for stress management or relaxation techniques and strategies to reduce stress among employees are described. In the second empirical part of the master's thesis the company Tames d.o.o. is presented
Secondary keywords: stress;stress symptoms;causes of stress;stress management;effects of stress;employees;workplace;organizational stress;burnout of employees;Karoshi deaths;stress strategies;relaxation techniques;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: IV f., 83 str., 5 str. pril.
ID: 8728895