diplomsko delo
Tina Steineker (Author), Matjaž Kristl (Mentor), Brina Dojer (Co-mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je sinteza novih koordinacijskih spojin bakra, niklja in kobalta z ligandom N-oksidom pikolinske kisline in spojin, kjer bi dosegli hkratno vezavo tega in pikolinske kisline na isti centralni atom. Enak cilj smo poskušali doseči z uporabo hkratne kombinacije ligandov pikolinske in dipikolinske kisline. V sklopu diplomskega dela sem tako izvedla štiriintrideset sinteznih reakcij koordinacijskih spojin, pri čemer sem za centralni atom uporabila baker v obliki acetata hidrata, nikelj in kobalt pa v obliki acetata tetrahidrata. Pri tem sem kot ligande uporabila tri izmed derivatov piridina, in sicer pikolinsko kislino, N-oksid pikolinske kisline in dipikolinsko kislino, vse v trdnem agregatnem stanju. Kot topila sem uporabila vodo, mešanico te z acetonom, N,N-dimetilformamid, mešanico acetonitrila in metanola ter acetona in tetrahidrofurana. Delo je temeljilo predvsem na odkrivanju še ne sintetiziranih bakrovih, nikljevih in kobaltovih kompleksnih spojin, kjer smo med drugim poskušali doseči optimalne rezultate z uporabo različnih množinskih razmerij reaktantov in kombinacijo diferentnih vrst topil v različnih volumskih razmerjih, potrebnih za sintezo. V sklopu raziskave smo poskušali sintetizirati tudi tri kompleksne spojine, kjer smo za centralni atom uporabili cink v obliki acetata dihidrata in dva izmed lantanoidnih elementov: terbij v obliki nitrata pentahidrata in evropij v obliki klorida heksahidrata. Produkte sinteznih reakcij smo nato karakterizirali z rentgensko praškovno difrakcijo in termogravimetrično analizo. Za vzorce, ki so po opravljenih analiznih metodah kazali na nastanek novih koordinacijskih spojin, je bila opravljena še rentgenska strukturna analiza na monokristalu.


diplomska dela;kemija;koordinacijske spojine;baker;nikelj;kobalt;pikolinska kislina;dipikolinska kislina;ligandi;rentgenska praškovna difrakcija;termogravimetrična analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [T. Steineker]
UDC: 546.3:547.82(043.2)
COBISS: 20522760 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1999
Downloads: 308
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Synthesis of Cu, Ni and Co coordination compounds with derivates of pyridine
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this diploma paper was the synthesis of new coordination compounds of copper, nickel and cobalt with the picolinic acid N-oxide ligand and compounds, where we could achieve simultaneous binding of the said ligand and picolinic acid on the same central atom. We tried doing the same by using simultaneous combination of picolinic and dipicolinic acid ligands. To achieve that, we performed thirty-four synthesis reactions with coordination compounds. For central atom we used copper as acetate hydrate and nickel and cobalt as acetate tetrahydrate. For ligands we used three pyridine derivates; picolinic acid, picolinic acid N-oxide and dipicolinic acid, all three in solid state of matter. For solvents we used water, a mixture of water and acetone, N,N-dimethylformamide, a mixture of acetonitrile and methanol and acetone and tetrahydrofuran. My work was based primarily on discovering until now un-synthetized complex copper, nickel and cobalt compounds, with which we tried producing optimum results by using different amount relations of reactants and combination of different kinds of solvents in different volume relations necesarry for the synthesis. Within the framework of the research, we also tried to synthesize three complex compounds where we used the following as central atoms: zinc in the form of acetate hydrate and two of the lanthanoid elements; terbium in the form of nitrate pentahydrate and europium in the form of chloride hexahydrate. Products of synthesis reactions were then characertized with X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis. Samples, which showed the occurence of new coordination compounds after the analyses, were further subjected to single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
Secondary keywords: coordination compounds;copper;nickel;cobalt;pyridine derivates (picolinic acid;picolinic acid N-oxide;dipicolinic acid);X-ray diffraction (XRD);thermogravimetric analysis (TGA);
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za kemijo
Pages: XIII, 109 f.
ID: 8729052