delo diplomskega seminarja
Nives Fištrovič (Author), Rasto Ovin (Mentor)


Zdravstvo skrbi za zdravje in ohranjanje zdravja celotnega prebivalstva države. Pomembna je organizacija zdravstvenega sistema države. S tem država prikazuje svojo razvitost in socialni položaj.. Glavni problem slovenskega zdravstva je pomanjkanje finančnih sredstev, ki ga lahko rešimo z javno-zasebnimi partnerstvi. Z javno-zasebnimi partnerstvi bi pridobili svež pritok finančnih sredstev. Sodelovanje države z zasebnim sektorjem bi pripeljalo tudi do večje učinkovitosti izvajanja zdravstvenih storitev in delitve tveganj. Nekatere države Evropske unije kot je na primer Avstrija, imajo takšno obliko partnerstev na področju zdravstva že dobro razvito. V Sloveniji so javno-zasebna partnerstva na področju zdravstva v začetni fazi. Sistem zdravstvenega varstva je v Sloveniji in Avstriji urejen po Bismarckovem modelu, ki temelji na plačevanju prispevkov vseh državljanov. Iz primerjave izdatkov namenjenih v zdravstvo v Sloveniji in Avstriji lahko ugotovimo, da Avstrija boljše razpolago z finančnimi sredstvi. Največ finančnih sredstev Avstrija namenja bolnišnicam, najmanj jih gre v naložbe. V Sloveniji gre prav tako večina denarja bolnišnicam, najmanjši delež namenja drugim dejavnostim kot so splošna zdravstvena administracija in zavarovanje.


zdravstvo;zdravstveni zavodi;javno-zasebno partnerstvo;izdatki;zakonodaja;financiranje;Slovenija;Avstrija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Fištrovič]
UDC: 334.012.3:61
COBISS: 11826972 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1228
Downloads: 308
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Public-private partnership in health sector -comparison between Slovenia and Austria
Secondary abstract: Health care cares for health and maintain the health of the entire population in country. Very important is organisation of health care system of the country. With that shows country their development and social situation. The main problem of slovenian health care is lack of financial resources, which we can solve with public-private partnerships. With public-private partnerships will we gain fresh inflow of financial resources. State's participaton with the private sector would lead to increased efficiency of the implementation of health services and risk-sharing. Some European Union countries such as Austria, have this form of the partnerships in health care already well developed. In Slovenia are public-private partnerships in the health care sector at an early stage. The health care system in Slovenia and Austria is organised by Bismarck model, which is based on the payment of contributions for all citizen. From a comparison of expenditure devoted to health care in Slovenia and Austria can we figure, that Austria dispose better with their financial resources. Most of financial resources Austria devotes to hospitals, at least of them goes into investments. In Slovenia it also goes the most of money to hospitals, smallest proportion is devoted to other activities such as general health administration and insurance.
Secondary keywords: health care;public-private partnership;health care system;health expenditure;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 31 str.
ID: 8729140