diplomsko delo
Maja Štukelj (Author), Boris Aberšek (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu sem uvod posvetila pojmu energije, njenim vrstam in osnovni delitvi oblik energije. V nadaljevanju teoretični del obravnava negativne posledice, s katerimi se dandanes srečuje človeštvo zaradi pretirane porabe energije in predvsem izkoriščanja fosilnih goriv. Pomemben korak k ohranjanju narave in varovanju okolja je pridobivanje energije iz obnovljivih virov energije, zato je opisan njihov pomen in značilnosti posameznih vrst alternativnih virov energije. Med njimi sem izpostavila energijo sonca, ki po količini oddane energije prevladuje, je vsem na razpolago, in tako predstavlja neizmeren energetski potencial. Opisana je zgradba sonca, načini izkoriščanja sončne energije, predvsem pa njeno pasivno izkoriščanje. Kljub temu da ima sonce takšen energetski potencial, poraba fosilnih goriv še vedno narašča, zaloge le-teh so močno izčrpane, njihov negativni vpliv na podnebje Zemlje pa je vedno večji. V praktičnem delu je izpostavljena ena izmed možnosti pridobivanja čistejše energije, ki se ponuja kar sama po sebi, to je izkoriščanje sončne energije s pomočjo solarne peči, ki je lahko uporabna za segrevanje vode in kuhanja obrokov nasploh. V tem delu diplomskega dela sem predstavila izdelavo solarne peči in njeno uporabo v vsakdanjem življenju, kar je še posebej pomembno za ljudi iz držav tretjega sveta. Takšno solarno peč lahko v sklopu tehničnega dne učenci naredijo in preizkusijo tudi sami, ob tem pa se odpirajo številne možnosti za diskusijo o ekologiji in alternativnih virih energije.


diplomska dela;obnovljivi viri energije;sončna energija;pasivno izkoriščanje sončne energije;podnebne spremembe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [M. Štukelj]
UDC: 620.92(043.2)
COBISS: 20586504 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1383
Downloads: 160
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Solar energy in case of solar oven
Secondary abstract: Introduction into my thesis has been dedicated to the meaning of energy, its types and the basic assortment of its forms. Further, the theoretical part takes on the negative consequences mankind is facing today due to overuse of energy and predominant use of fossil fuels. Harvesting energy from renewable sources represents an important step towards the conservation of nature, which is why their meaning and specifics are listed alongside alternative sources of energy. Amongst those, I have singled out solar power, which is predominant in the sheer amount of energy it emits, is universally accessible, so to say, and henceforth represents an enormous resource potential. The structure of the sun is described, as well as ways of using the solar energy and mostly the passive use of solar radiation. Yet, regardless of the energy potential that the sun represents, the use of fossil fuel is on ascend, the sources of which are running awfully dry and the negative impact of their consequences on the climate of Earth are on the rise. The practical part of the thesis underlines one of the possibilities of gathering cleaner energy, one that practically offers itself - the use of solar energy by means of the solar oven, useful in heating water and cooking in general. In this part of the thesis I explained the making of the solar oven, its use in everyday living, important especially for the people of Third World Countries. On "technical day" in school such an oven is possible to build by students, who can also test it on their own and thus open several discussion options regarding ecology and also alternative sources of energy.
Secondary keywords: energy;renewable energy sources;solar power;passive use of solar radiation;climate change;solar oven;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za tehniko
Pages: V, 109 str.
ID: 8729192