magistrsko delo


Zaposleni so največji kapital vsake organizacije, vendar je potrebno v ta kapital investirati, torej je potrebno zaposlene razvijati. Za to, da lahko zaposleni svoje zmožnosti optimalno in najbolje koristi in daje organizaciji, v kateri deluje največ, mora biti pravilno izobražen, usposobljen in kasneje umeščen v nadaljevalno strokovno izpopolnjevanje. Izobraževanje, usposabljanje in strokovno izpopolnjevanje spada pod razvoj zaposlenih, ki pa mora biti v organizaciji pravilno obravnavan in implementiran. Razvoj zaposlenih je ključnega pomena za organizacije, saj lahko le tako ohranjajo konkurenčnost ali celo prednost pred konkurenco na trgu v katerem delujejo. Dobro vpeljan zaposleni močno vpliva na uspešnost celotne organizacije. Za uspešen razvoj zaposlenih morajo organizacije vnaprej sistematično pripraviti načrte izobraževanja, usposabljanja in strokovnega izpopolnjevanja, saj je lahko le na tak način program izbranega izobraževanja, usposabljanja in strokovnega izpopolnjevanja uspešen in učinkovit tako za posameznika, ki se ga udeleži, kot za organizacijo, v kateri deluje. Magistrska naloga obravnava izobraževanje, usposabljanje in strokovno izpopolnjevanje v Pošti Slovenije d.o.o. z dodanim poudarkom na usposabljanju zaposlenih na pogodbenih poštah. Magistrska naloga je vsebinsko razdeljena na dva dela. Prvi del se nanaša na analitični pregled literature, povezana z našo temo, in empirični del, v katerem smo s pomočjo raziskave predstavili rezultate statističnih analiz trditev. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen management človeških virov, človeški viri in razvoj zaposlenih z vidika različnih domačih in tujih avtorjev . V empiričnem (raziskovalnem) delu smo najprej predstavili Pošto Slovenije d.o.o. in nove organizacijske oblike pošt – tako imenovane pogodbene pošte. Raziskava je bila razdeljena na dva dela (splošni seminar in strokovni seminar), po katerih smo med udeležence razdelili na vsakem delu merski instrument, s pomočjo katerega smo prišli do želenih podatkov. Na podlagi opravljene analize smo potrdili vseh sedem zastavljenih hipotez. Sklep zajema ključne misli in ugotovitve, ki smo jih ugotovili med izdelavo magistrske naloge. Na koncu smo prav tako podali predloge za izboljšavo mnenj respondentov o usposabljanju, ki jih podjetje lahko uporabi pri prihodnjih usposabljanjih.


upravljanje s človeškimi viri;razvoj zaposlenih;izobraževanje zaposlenih;usposabljanje zaposlenih;strokovno izpopolnjevanje;pošta;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [D. Vincekovič]
UDC: 005.963.5:656.8(497.4)
COBISS: 11781660 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1937
Downloads: 264
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Education, professional development and training of employees in the Post of Slovenia Ltd., with an emphasis on training employees on contract post offices
Secondary abstract: Employees are the most valuable asset of any organization, but it is necessary to invest in this capital, therefore it is necessary to develop employees. To ensure that employees can optimize their capabilities and benefits and give their best for the organization, they must be properly educated, trained and thereafter placed within the continuing professional development. Education, training and professional development falls under employee development, which must be properly addressed and implemented within the organization. Development of employees is crucial for the organization as it is the only way to maintain competitiveness or even competitive advantage in the market in which the organization operates. Well qualified staff has a strong impact on the performance of the entire organization. For the successful development of employees, organizations must systematically prepare plans of education, training and professional development in advance, since only in this way the selected program of education, training and professional development can be efficient and effective both for an individual who participates as for an organization in which the individual works. Master’s thesis addresses education, training and professional development in the Post of Slovenia Ltd. with emphasis on training employees on contract post offices. Master's thesis is substantively divided into two parts. The first part concerns the analytical review of the literature related to the topic and the empirical part, in which we presented the results of research using statistical analysis of assertions in survey. In the theoretical part the theories of human resource management, human resources and employee development from the perspective of various domestic and foreign authors are presented. In the empirical part (research) we first presented the Post of Slovenia Ltd. and new organizational forms of post offices – the so-called contract post offices. Research was divided into two parts (general seminar and expert seminar), after which the participants filled out the survey, by which we obtained the necessary data. On the basis of the results of analysis, we confirmed all seven set hypotheses. Final section covers the key thoughts and findings that we observed while writing this thesis. Finally, we made suggestions for improvement respondents' opinions on the training that the company could use in future trainings.
Secondary keywords: Human resource management;employee development;training;education;professional training;contract post offices;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 83 str., 3 str. pril.
ID: 8729242