diplomsko delo
Maja Klevže (Author), Matjaž Duh (Mentor), Jerneja Herzog (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo sestoji iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela in je nastalo z namenom preverjanja različnih načinov razvijanja likovne apreciacije na podlagi prikazanih umetniških del. V teoretičnem delu predstavljamo pojem apreciacije, pomen likovne apreciacije in teoretična izhodišča o vlogi sodobne umetnosti v osnovni šoli, in sicer v likovnem razvoju učencev sedmega razreda. Dotaknemo se tudi učiteljeve priprave na problemski pouk pri poučevanju likovne umetnosti. Teoretična izhodišča zaključimo z vlogami sodobne umetnosti pri pouku likovne umetnosti, likovnim razvojem učencev v sedmem razredu osnovne šole in s pomembnostjo motivacije pri pouku. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, v kateri smo preverjali ustreznost postopkov razvijanja likovne apreciacije, in sicer pri prepiru o sliki, igri pogovora in pripravi učencev na resno predavanje za svoje sošolce. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da učenci postopka razvijanja likovne apreciacije preko igre pogovora niso sprejeli tako dobro kot postopka razvijanja likovne apreciacije preko prepira o sliki in priprave učencev na resno predavanje za svoje sošolce. Učenci so pri postopku razvijanja likovne apreciacije na način, da so sami pripravili resno predavanje za svoje sošolce, pokazali veliko zanimanja in retoričnih sposobnosti za oblikovanje zgodb. Menimo, da bi se postopek razvijanja likovne apreciacije s pomočjo igre pogovora izkazal za ustreznejšega, če bi izbrali drugačne reprodukcije umetniških del. Učenci so s takšnim načinom uporabe postopkov razvijanja likovne apreciacije sproščujoče spoznavali umetniška dela, saj so lahko svoja doživljanja poljubno in svobodno izrazili.


diplomska dela;osnovne šole;likovna apreciacija;umetniška dela;likovna umetnost;likovni motivi;sodobna umetnost;pouk;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Klevže]
UDC: 37.015.31:7(043.2)
COBISS: 20724744 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1780
Downloads: 173
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Diploma task consists of theoretical and empirical part and was initiated with the purpose of examining the various ways of developing artistic appreciation on the basis of the exhibited artistic work. In the theoretical part we present the conception of appreciation, the importance of artistic appreciation and the theoretical starting-points on the role of contemporary art in primary school, namely students' artistic development in the 7th class. We also include the teacher's preparation for problem teaching at teaching art. The theoretical attitudes are compared to the role of contemporary art with teaching art, students' artistic development in the 7th class education, as well as the importance of motivation. In the empirical part of the Diploma task, we offer the research results in which we have examined the procedure suitability of developing artistic appreciation, namely about picture quarrelling, game talk, and on the other hand, the students prepare a serious lecture for their school mates. The research results have shown that the procedure of developing game talk artistic appreciation was not so well accepted by the students as was the procedure of developing picture quarrelling appreciation and their preparation for a serious lecture for their schoolfellows. For the procedure of developing artistic appreciation by means of the students preparing a serious lecture for their school mates where they showed a lot of interest and rhetorical capability of creating their own stories. We believe that the process of developing artistic appreciation over game talk would prove to be more appropriate if you chose different reproductions of artistic work. This way of using procedures of developing artistic appreciation was experienced as a relaxing comprehension of artistic work and furthermore, the students could freely and straightforwardly express their feelings.
Secondary keywords: artistic appreciation;students' artistic development;artistic work (work of art);artistic motive;methods for presentation.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za likovno umetnost
Pages: 105 f.
ID: 8729247