ǂthe ǂcase of Zoo Market Rex
Maja Duh (Author), Samo Bobek (Mentor)


Internet je v današnjem času skupek ene najbolj rastočih tehnologij. Elektronski način komunikacije je vse bolj uporaben, hkrati že skoraj nuja ob tako natrpanih delavnikih v našem vsakdanu. Na internetu poteka cela skupina storitev, brez katerih si našega življenja preprosto ne moremo več predstavljati. Med te storitve lahko zagotovo uvrstimo tudi spletne trgovine, katere so zmeraj bolj priljubljene in posledično tudi številčnejše. Da bi lahko izstopali iz konkurence, je potrebno veliko več kot le ustvarjati vrednost za kupca. V magistrskem delu bomo poskušali določiti dejavnike, kateri so pomembni za uspešnost spletne trgovine. Za začetek bomo predstavili elektronsko poslovanje (v nadaljevanju e-poslovanje) na splošno s poudarkom na poslovnih modelih. Spoznali bomo prednosti in slabosti e-poslovanje, vrste e-poslovanje ter poslovne modele e-poslovanja. V tretjem poglavju se bomo podrobneje posvetili spletni trgovini, ki je tudi glavni predmet obravnave v magistrskem delu. Opredelili bomo vrste spletnih trgovin, določili njihov pomen v primerjavi s klasičnimi trgovinami in spoznali spletne uporabnike. Ker je glavni namen magistrskega dela raziskati dejavnike uspešnosti spletnih trgovin, se bomo v četrtem poglavju posvetili zgolj samo njim. Določili bomo najpogostejše dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešnost posamezne spletne trgovine, ter jih podrobneje spoznali. Vse dejavnike bomo v zadnjem poglavju prikazali in analizirali na konkretnem primeru podjetja Zoo Market Rex, Zlatko Hraš, s.p.. Magistrsko delo bomo zaključili s sklepom, kjer bomo dokazali pomembnost upoštevanja ključnih dejavnikov uspešnosti spletne trgovine.


elektronsko poslovanje;spletna trgovina;uspešnost;optimizacija;uporabniki;izkušnje;socialna omrežja;internet;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Duh]
UDC: 004:339.13
COBISS: 11762716 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1660
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Factors of success in online shops
Secondary abstract: The Internet nowadays is one of the most emerging technologies. Electronic way of communication is increasingly useful and almost a necessity in in our busy everyday life. On the Internet there is lot of services, without which we simply cannot imagine our lives. One of those is an online store, which are becoming more and more popular, and as a result more numerous. In order to stand out from the competition, it takes a lot more than just creating value for the customer. In this master thesis we will try to identify the factors that are important to the success of online stores. To begin we introduce e-commerce in general, with a focus on business models. We will learn the pros and cons of e-commerce, the types of e-commerce and business models in e-commerce. In the third chapter we will focus on online store, which is the main subject of this master thesis. We will identify types of online stores, determine their importance in comparison with traditional shops and learn about web users. However, since the main purpose of the master's thesis is exploring the success factors of online stores, we are going to devote a whole forth chapter to them. We will determine the most common factors that affect the performance of each online store and get to know them in detail. All factors will be demonstrated and analyzed in the last chapter, following an example of Zoo market Rex online store. Master thesis will be concluded with a chapter where we will demonstrate the importance of taking into account key factors for successful online store.
Secondary keywords: e-business;e-commerce;on line store;user experience;online store optimization;social networks;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 82 str.
ID: 8729295
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