(diplomsko delo)
V diplomskem delu smo predstavili pomen in integracijo duševno manjrazvitih oseb v socialno okolje. Duševna manjrazvitost je stanje nepopolnega intelektualnega razvoja, ki ga ni mogoče pozdravit. Lahko pa z raznimi terapijami in vključevanjem omogočimo duševno manjrazvitim osebam boljše in lepše življenje.
Predstavljamo odnos širšega socialnega okolja do duševno manjrazvitih oseb, kjer so opazne številne spremembe. Vse bolj se poudarja pomen integracije, ne samo v šolah, ampak tudi v socialnem okolju.
V empiričnem delu so prestavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki smo jo opravili med člani Kluba Ptujskih študentov in člani Kluba mladih občine Dornava. Primerjali smo sprejemanje duševne manjrazvitosti, odzive na duševno manjrazvitost, ugotavljali smo mnenje o skrbi za duševno manjrazvite osebe in o vplivu vzgoje na sprejemanje duševno manjrazvitih oseb. Analiza raziskave je pokazala, da ljudje sprejemajo duševno manjrazvite osebe in se ji ne izogibajo. Anketiranci so v večini mnenja, da je v Sloveniji še vedno premalo poskrbljeno za duševno manjrazvite osebe.
duševna retardacija;integracija;družine;kakovost;zdravstvena nega;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2014 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[S. Cenar] |
UDC: |
616.89-083(043.2) |
Views: |
1214 |
Downloads: |
167 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
In the thesis we presented the meaning and integration of mentally retarded persons in the social environment. Mental retardation is a condition of imperfect intellectual development that can not be cured. Alternatively, with various therapies we can enable the integration of mentally retarded persons into better and more beautiful life.
We introduce the attitude of the wider social environment to mentally retarded persons, where are a number of notable changes. Increasingly emphasizing the importance of integration, not only in schools but also in the social environment.
In the empirical part are showed the results of research we conducted among members of the Club of Ptuj students and members of the Youth Club municipalities Dornava. We compared the acceptance of mental retardation, mental retardation responses, we observed an opinion on the care of mentally retarded persons and the impact of education on the acceptance of mentally retarded persons. Analysis of the research showed that people accept mentally retarded person and do not avoid them. Respondents in the majority have an opinion that in Slovenia there is still a lack of care for mentally retarded persons. |
Secondary keywords: |
mental retardation;integration;family;quality health care; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
V, 61 f, 8 f. pril. |
ID: |
8729304 |