magistrsko delo
Ana Gajič (Author), Bojan Dobovšek (Mentor)


Z vidika kaznivih dejanj gospodarske kriminalitete je sistemska korupcija eden najbolj uničujočih pojavov moderne družbe. Posledice sistemske korupcije so vidne ob finančnem izčrpavanju države, paralizi državnega aparata, nezaupanju ljudi v politiko, družbeni degradaciji in kolapsu družbenih vrednot. Pri sistemski korupciji se soočamo z načrtno zlorabo države s strani političnih elit, ki sistemsko korupcijo dopuščajo oziroma je ne odpravljajo, zaradi svojih materialnih koristi. Politični odločevalci imajo monopol odločanja pri oblikovanju politik, legalizaciji oziroma uzakonjanju izbranih predpisov in implementaciji zakonodaje, zato imajo vse vzvode, da pripravljajo zakonodajo po svoji meri. Javni uslužbenci in politiki lahko v tej tako imenovani sistemski korupciji, ki jo razumemo tudi kot velika korupcija oziroma korupcija elit sodelujejo ali pa jih interesne grupacije izkoristijo zgolj kot instrument za dosego svojega cilja. Z analizo poglobljenih intervjujev z devetimi uglednimi slovenskimi strokovnjaki in raziskovalci smo skušali opredeliti pojem sistemske korupcije ter izpostaviti tveganja za njen obstoj. Ugotovitve kažejo, da imamo v Sloveniji največ težav z Veliko korupcijo v zdravstvu, gradbeništvu, bančništvu, posebej pa na področju javnih naročil. Sprego korupcije omogočajo posamezniki ali skupine, ki jim je pridobivanje lastne premoženjske koristi pomembnejše od svojega poslanstva, to je skrb za javno dobro. Na podlagi tega smo v Sloveniji priča zlorabam državnega aparata, pod pretvezo “demokratičnega” sprejemanja zakonodajnih rešitev. To dejstvo potrjujejo tudi ugotovitve, da je v Sloveniji skorajda nemogoče poimensko sledenje strokovnih svetovalcev, ki skrbijo za domnevno znanstveno zbrane informacije, na podlagi katerih odločevalci pripravljajo zakonske spremembe. S tem lahko govorimo o popolnem ujetju države kot tudi o onemogočenem delu državnih organov, ki pravzaprav ostajajo brez resnih orodij za odpravljanje sistemske korupcije. Obenem pa politika “skrbi” da se policija, tožilstvo, še manj pa neodvisni državni organi, ne zmorejo kadrovsko, finančno in strokovno boriti zoper to patološko boleznijo modernega časa, ki še zdaleč ni omejena zgolj na slovenski prostor.


korupcija;sistemska korupcija;preprečevanje;Slovenija;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: A. Gajić]
UDC: 343.352(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 2823914 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2946
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Systemic corruption is one of the most destructive phenomena of modern society seen from the criminal act of economic crime’s point of view. The consequences of systemic corruption are seen through country’s financial resource depletion, paralyses of the government apparatus, people’s mistrust in politics, social degradation and collapse of social values. When dealing with systematic corruption we are confronted with the systemic abuse of a country by its political élite – not only permitting systemic corruption but also not abolishing it due to their own material benefits. Political decision makers create politics, enact the regulations to implement legislation, therefore having the lever to prepare their custom made legislation. Civil servants and politicians can be a part of this so-called systemic corruption also called the Great corruption or the corruption of the élite or it can be used by some interest groups as the instrument for reaching their goals. Having analyzed the detailed interviews with nine Slovene experts and researchers we tried to define the concept of systemic corruption and to expose the risks for its existence. Our findings show that Slovenia faces biggest problems with the Great corruption in health care system, civil engineering, banking and in the field of public procurement. The corruption is enabled by the individuals or groups, whose own wealth benefits - not the public welfare - are in favor. This results in abuse of the government’s apparatus under the guise of the ‘’democtatic’’ passing of legislative processes. Therefore it is almost impossible to track the individual special advisers, who take care of the supposedly scientifically collected information, which are the basis of legislation changes. We could say that the country is trapped and the work of authorities is made impossible having no instruments for abolishing systemic corruption. At the same time the politics makes sure that neither the police, nor the public prosecutor’s office or the independent authorities could fight - personnelwise, financially and professionally - against the pathology of the modern era in any kind of way and this not being the case only in Slovenia.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 168 str.
ID: 8729363
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