magistrsko delo
Vid Šarman (Author), Tomaž Vuherer (Mentor), Janez Kramberger (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu z naslovom Zasnova varilne tehnologije dvižne roke bagerja iz mikrolegiranega jekla, se seznanimo s potekom zasnove varilne tehnologije varjenja jekel različnih kvalitet in testiranjem zvarnih spojev, s katerim dokažemo, da zvarni spoj ustreza zahtevani in predpisani kvaliteti. Magistrsko delo vsebuje in sledi smernicam, ki jih podajajo različni standardi, s katerimi pri varjenju ovrednotimo kvaliteto zvarnega spoja in ga uvrstimo v ustrezen kakovosten razred. To so standard za razvrstitev jekel v ustrezno skupino jekel s podobnimi lastnostmi, standard, ki določa mejne vrednosti za nepravilnosti, standard s priporočili za varjenje kovinskih materialov (temperatura predgrevanja) in standard z navodili za pravilno izvedbo porušnih preiskav na zvarih in kovinskih materialih (merjenje trdote). Podane in opisane so osnovne enačbe za pripravo tehnologije varjena in izpolnitev varilnih planov. Sledi podroben opis dela s programom Proweld, ki nudi dobro podporo načrtovalcu varilnega plana in mu olajša zamudno delo ter sugerira limitne meje varilnih parametrov. Konstrukcija varilnega diagrama je razložena s pomočjo enačb in prikazom izrisa grafa v programu Microsoft Office Excel. Preračun za uvrstitev zvarnih spojev v določen kakovosten razred je izveden po standardu EN ISO 5817. V zadnjem delu naloge sledi prikaz tehniške dokumentacije, ki je bila uporabljena za izdelavo zvarjenih preizkušancev in nadaljnjo strojno obdelavo. Posebna pozornost tega magistrskega dela je posvečena porušnim preiskavam. Porušne preiskave, ki so se izvedle, so bile natezni preizkus, upogibni preizkus in merjenje trdote. Prikaz dela z rezultati in izsledki preizkušanja se nahaja v zadnjem poglavju.


varjenje jekel;kvalitete jekel;varilna tehnologija;varilni plan;kakovostni razredi jekel;porušne preiskave;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [V. Šarman]
UDC: [621.791.05:669.14]+620.173.26(043.2)
COBISS: 18005270 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1685
Downloads: 496
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Designing of welding technology of excavator lifting arm welded by micro-alloy steel
Secondary abstract: In Master thesis with the title Designing of welding technology of excavator lifting arm welded by micro – alloy steel, we get some knowledge about how to design a welding technology for welding steels, which distinguish themselves by different qualities, and testing of weld joints with whom we proof that welded joint is suitable for demanded and prescribed quality. This Master thesis includes and follows some guidelines and directives which are given by different standards. Those standards help that we can evaluate a specific weld joint and place it in a proper quality rank. Those standards are standard for classification of steels into a group of steels with similar properties, standard which defines quality levels for imperfections, standard with recommendations for welding metallic materials (preheating temperature) and standard with instructions for regular execution of destructive tests methods on welds and metallic materials (Hardness testing). Equations which are needed for fulfilling a Welding Procedure Specification are given and described. Next follows a detailed description of work with Proweld software which provides a good aid to a designer of welding plans with suggesting and calculating the limit boundaries of welding parameters. Construction of a welding diagram is explained with the help of equations and presentation of a graph in Microsoft Office Excel software. Calculation for classification of weld joints into a specific quality level is made by standard EN ISO 5817. In the last part of the thesis follows presentation of technical documentation which was used for making of welded specimens and further mechanical treatment. Special attention of this Master thesis was dedicated to destructive method testing. Destructive methods which were made are tensile test, bending test and hardness testing. Representation of work with the results and findings can be found in the last chapter.
Secondary keywords: welding of steels;qualities of steels;welding technology;welding procedure specification;quality levels of steels;destructive methods;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: VI, 74 str.
ID: 8729369