magistrsko delo
Metoda Svalina (Author), Peter Umek (Mentor)


Povzetek Razumevanje adiktologije je ključnega pomena pri sprejemanju represivnih ukrepov, ki naj bi zasvojence prek rehabilitacije pripeljali do celostne obnove osebnosti in ne samo do abstinence. Če imamo represivno-kaznovalno politiko s področja drog usmerjeno zgolj na kaznovanje zasvojencev in nadomeščanje prepovedane droge z dovoljeno, je to samo pot, ki močno poglablja brezno, v katerem se utaplja zasvojena oseba. V prvem delu so me zanimali fenomen omame, etiologija zasvojenosti, razvoj zasvojenosti in njena sekundarna problematika. V drugem delu se osredotočim na dejavnosti represivnih služb s področja drog, opredelim zakonsko urejenost s tega področja in ugotavljam, katere so strategije policije za zmanjšanje ponudbe prepovedanih drog na tržišču. Zadnji sklop teoretičnega dela namenim rehabilitaciji zasvojenih. V empiričnem delu s primarno raziskavo in logistično regresijo ugotovim, da imajo represivne službe v različnih delih problematike zasvojenosti različne vplive. Z vidika doseganja abstinence rezultati pokažejo, da obstaja pozitivna povezava med represijo v njenem ukrepanju prek sankcij zasvojenih in utrjevanju abstinence ali odločitve zanjo. Kazen sodnega opomina in ukrep obveznega zdravljenja odvisnosti pozitivno vplivata na vzdržnost od drog, medtem ko zapor in denarna kazen ne. Z vidika zniževanja in odprave sekundarne kriminalitete zaradi zasvojenosti pa represivne službe s šibkim vplivom znižujejo kriminalnost odvisnika, z močnim vplivom pa zvišujejo sekundarno kriminaliteto zaradi zasvojenosti s prepovedanimi drogami, medtem ko na premoženjski delikt odvisnika nima nobenega statistično pomembnega vpliva. Tudi na zasvojenost s heroinom nima nobenega vpliva, na opustitev uživanja kokaina imajo šibek vpliv samo sodne obravnave, z nadomestno terapijo, kot sta metadon in morfin, pa represivni ukrepi močno poglabljajo zasvojenost prek kazni zapora in denarnih kazni, kar je s strani “harm reduction” politike do drog zaželeno. Kaznovalna politika tudi nima nobenega statistično pomembnega vpliva na odvisnikovo motivacijo, da bi se odločil za rehabilitacijo oziroma da bi začel razmišljati o tem, da bi poiskal pomoč glede svoje zasvojenosti.


droge;prepovedane droge;odvisnost;kriminaliteta;preprečevanje;rehabilitacija;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: M. Svalina]
UDC: 613.83(043.2)
COBISS: 2830826 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1517
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Summary - Impact of repression servicies from drug field on rehabilitation of drug addicts Understanding of addiction is crucial at adopting repressive measures, which should bring an addict through the rehabilitation to the integrated renovation of personality, not just abstinence. If we have a repressive-criminal justice policy in the field of drugs directed only on the punishment of drug addicts and replacement of illegal drugs with the allowed, is this just a way which greatly deepens the abyss in which drowning addict. In the first part I was interested in the phenomenon of daze, the etiology of addiction, the development of addiction and its secondary issues. In the second part I concentrate on the activities of the repressive services in the field of drugs, I define the legal arrangement in this field and I try to figure out what are the police strategies to reduce the illegal drugs supply on the market like. The last part of theoretical work I devote to the rehabilitation of addictive. In the empirical part I found out with the primary research and logistic regression that have repressive services in different parts of problems of addiction, a variety of influences. From the perspective of achieving abstinence, the results have shown that there is a positive connection between repression and its actions through sanctions of addicts and consolidation of abstinence or decision for her. The judicial admonition and the measure of compulsory treatment of addiction have a positive effect on the sustainability of drugs, while the prison and penalty do not. From the perspective of lowering and elimination of secondary crime, caused to addiction, are repressive services with a weak influence decreasing crimes of addict, but with a strong influence they are increasing a secondary crime caused to addiction of illegal drugs, while on the property offence of addict it has no statically significant impact. To the addiction to heroin it also has no effect, on the omission of cocaine has a weak influence just a court hearings, but with substation therapy – methadone, morphine repressive measures greatly deepen the addiction through prison sentences and fines, what is from site of “harm reduction” policy to drugs desirable. Criminal justice policy also has no statistically significant effect to addict’s motivation, in order to make rehabilitation or start thinking, to find help with their addiction.
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 93 str.
ID: 8729408