diplomsko delo
Marjan Kelenc (Author), Vlasta Kučiš (Mentor)


Zaradi poplave različne kuharske literature, ki smo ji priča zadnje desetletje, in zaradi velike prisotnosti kuharske tematike v medijih, se diplomsko delo osredotoča na različne napake, na katere v omenjeni literaturi pogosto naletimo. Izpostavljene so predvsem tiste napake, ki so povezane s prevajanjem kuharske literature. Navadno na številne napake lahko naletimo predvsem na internetu, kjer vsak posameznik lahko objavlja besedila, ki pa v jezikovnem pogledu niso podvržena nobenemu nadzoru. Pogosto do ključnih napak prihaja že pri prevajanju različnih imen jedi, ki so v izvirniku pogosto v narečjih in so s tem kulturno zaznamovana in omejena na določen jezikovno-narečni prostor. S primerjalno analizo nemškega prevoda knjige Slovenska kuhinja (Die Slowenische Küche) smo ugotavljali prav te vrste napak, kjer smo predpostavljali, da bo teh napak manj kot denimo na internetu, saj določena knjiga, ki je izdana pri založbi, pred izidom gre skozi različne uredniške, revizijske in nadzorne faze. Zanimive in presenetljive ugotovitve, do katerih smo prišli, so podrobno predstavljene v empiričnem delu diplomskega dela.


prevajanje kuharskih receptov;jezikovne značilnosti;zvrstnost slovenskega jezika;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Kelenc]
UDC: 81ʼ255:641.55(043.2)
COBISS: 20721416 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1390
Downloads: 294
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Translation problems in culinary recipes on the example of the German translation of Slovenska kuhinja
Secondary abstract: Because of the abundance of cooking literature which we are withnessing in the present decade and because of the attention cookery is given in the media the diploma thesis focuses on various mistakes we face in this literature. Mostly those mistakes are pointed out which are connected with the translation of cooking literature. We can frequently encounter many mistakes mostly on the internet where any individual can post a text which is not subject to any linguistic supervision. Major mistakes are usually made already during translation of different names of dishes which are originally often in dialect and are thus culturally marked and limited to a specific language-dialect area. The comparative analysis of the translation of the book Slovenska kuhinja (Die Slowenische Küche) looked at these kinds of mistakes where we presumed that the mistakes would be less present than, for instance, on the internet because a certain book which is published by a publishing company undergoes various editorial, revisional and supervisory phases. The interesting and astonishing findings we were able to obtain are presented in detail in the empyrical part of the thesis.
Secondary keywords: translation of cooking recipes;linguistic characteristics of cooking recipes;genres of the Slovenian language;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Pages: 72 f.
ID: 8729451