magistrsko delo
Med pisanjem magistrske naloge se je policijska zakonodaja spremenila; za nalogo je pomembno predvsem (pre)imenovanje fizične sile v telesno silo. Skozi analizo strokovne literature v magistrski nalogi predstavimo zakonsko podlago za uporabo telesne sile, različne elemente telesne sile in policistovo dojemanje uporabe telesne sile.
Preko intervjujev, opravljenih s strokovnjaki, predstavimo problematiko učenja uporabe telesne sile. Včasih so se namreč kadeti kalili v šoli za policiste štiri leta in zato namenili veliko ur vadbi s področja uporabe telesne sile. Posledično je bilo njihovo znanje uporabe telesne sile na višjem nivoju, kot je po ukinitvi štiriletne kadetske šole, ko policisti pridobivajo znanje preko različnih dokvalifikacij in tečajev, ki trajajo občutno manj časa. Z dolgotrajnim ponavljanjem, kakršen je bil način vadbe v štiriletni kadetski šoli, gibi namreč pridejo v mišični spomin. Tako se v dani situaciji spomniš, kaj moraš narediti — telo se avtomatsko odzove. Takšen je bil način vadbe takrat.
Sedaj, ko ni časa za dolgoletno vadbo, pa je potrebno najti pravilne načine vadbe, ki nas naučijo tehnik uporabe telesne sile, še posebej, ker napadi na policiste naraščajo. Proučevana tematika je obširna in kompleksna, iskanje načinov vadbe uporabe telesne sile, ki bi policiste kar najbolje pripravile na stresne situacije ob uporabi telesne sile, pa predstavlja velik izziv.
policija;policijsko delo;policijska pooblastila;uporaba telesne sile;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2014 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
M. Višnikar] |
UDC: |
351.741(043.2) |
Views: |
1805 |
Downloads: |
270 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary abstract: |
While writing my MA thesis there have been changes to the police constitution. Changes relevant to my thesis concern mostly the (re)naming of physical force into contact force. In my MA thesis I present the legal background for using contact force, assorted elements of contact force and the police officers’ apperception of using contact force.
Through the interviews conducted with the experts, I present the problem of learning to use contact force. The cadets used to undergo a four-year long training at the police academy, which gave them more than enough training hours from the field of contact force. Their qualifications for using contact force were hence much greater prior the dissolution of the four-year long cadet school, after which one could become a police officer by doing various extra training programs and courses, which takes less time than the cadet school. With extensive repetition, as was the case with the four-year long cadet school, one is able to imprint contact force movement into muscle memory. When the situation arises, the body knows what to do – it reacts automatically. It was a way of practice at the time.
Now, when there is no time for extensive practice, the appropriate ways of training must be established, which teaches about the execution of contact force techniques, especially because of the increase of physical assaults on police officers. The studied topic is broad and complex, and poses a major challenge in finding ways to practice the use of contact force to better prepare the police officers for stressful situations when using contact force. |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
77 str. |
ID: |
8729516 |