diplomsko delo
Živa Rajh (Author), Jurij Planinšec (Mentor)


Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, ali obstaja vpliv med telesnimi izmerami študentk in njihovo telesno samopodobo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 183 študentk razrednega pouka Pedagoške fakultete, starih od 19 do 20 let. Meritve so bile opravljene na OŠ Franca Rozmana Staneta in Srednji lesarski šoli Maribor. Pri tem smo uporabili antropometrični instrumentarij za merjenje telesne višine, telesne teže, kožne gube in mišic, za merjenje deleža maščevja, brez maščobne mase in vode pa smo uporabili analizator sestave telesa Maltron BF-907. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je prevod francoske verzije vprašalnika za ugotavljanje telesne samopodobe mladostnikov ThePhysicalSelf-Inventory-short form, so študenti izrazili lastno mnenje oz. vrednotenje svoje telesne samopodobe. Za ugotavljanje povezanosti telesnih izmer in sestave telesa ter telesne samopodobe smo uporabili regresijsko analizo. Podatke smo statistično obdelali na ravni tveganja 0,05 (p 0,05). Rezultati kažejo, da je pri študentkah korelacija med telesnimi izmerami, sestavo telesa in telesno samopodobo statistično značilna. Ugotavljamo, da telesno samopodobo najbolje pojasnjuje telesna teža, ki je jasno vidna pri vsakem posamezniku. Težje študentke imajo nižjo telesno samopodobo kot lažje. Najmanj pozornosti študentke posvečajo gibalnim aktivnostim, saj so v obdobju, ko dajejo prednost drugim stvarem (npr. iskanje zaposlitve, neodvisnost, odgovornost zase, navezanost na partnerja itd.). Če pa gibalno aktivnost zanemarimo, bomo še težji in naša telesna samopodoba bo še bolj negativna. Zdrav življenjski slog je tisti regulator teže, ki pripomore k boljšemu počutju in pozitivni telesni samopodobi.


diplomska dela;samopodoba;zunanji videz;telesni razvoj;športna aktivnost;samospoštovanje;samozavedanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [Ž. Rajh]
UDC: 159.923.2-057.875:796.035(043.2)
COBISS: 20791560 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1276
Downloads: 154
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The purpose of the research was to determine whether there is any correlation between the students' physical measurements and their physical self-image. The research included 97 female students of the Faculty of Education, aged 19 to 20. The measurements were carried out on Franc Rozman Stane Primary School in Maribor and Secondary School for Wood Science and Technology in Limbuš. The anthropometric instruments for the measurements of height, weight, skin and muscle were used; to measure the percentage of fat, water mass and fat-free body mass we used the Maltron Body Fat Analyser 907. By means of a questionnaire, which is a translation of the French version of the questionnaire for the identification of the body self-image called The Physical Self-Inventory-short form, students evaluated their own physical self-image. To determine the relationship between the body measurements, body composition and physical self-image, we used regression analysis. Data were statistically processed at the risk level of 0.05 (p 0. 05). The results show that the correlation between the physical measurements, body composition and physical self-image is statistically significant. We find that the physical image of the best is explained by the weight, which is evident in each individual. Female students with excess weight have a lower body self-image than students who are physically easier. The least attention is devoted to the physical activity during that period because of the priority to other things (such as finding a job, independence, taking responsibility for themselves, partnership, etc.). However, if the physical activity continuous to stay neglected we will get even heavier and our body image will be even more negative. A healthy lifestyle is the regulator of the weight which contributes to the wellbeing and positive physical self-image.
Secondary keywords: external appearance;body measurements;physical development;self-esteem;self-awareness;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 61 f., [4] f. pril.
ID: 8729521