diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu je namen ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezanost med gibalno učinkovitostjo študentk in njihovo telesno samopodobo. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 183 študentk razrednega pouka Pedagoške fakultete v Mariboru, starih od 19 do 20 let. Meritve so potekale na OŠ Franca Rozmana Staneta in na Srednji lesarski šoli v Mariboru. Za merjenje gibalne učinkovitosti študentk je bilo uporabljenih šest testov Eurofit testne baterije. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je prevod francoske verzije vprašalnika za ugotavljanje telesne samopodobe mladostnikov The Physical Self-Inventory-short form, smo pridobili podatke o spolu, starosti in telesni samopodobi. Za ugotavljanje razlik v gibalnih sposobnostih smo uporabili t-test, za ugotavljanje povezanosti posameznih gibalnih sposobnosti s telesno samopodobo pa smo uporabili regresijsko analizo. Statistično značilnost smo ugotavljali na ravni tveganja p 0,05. Rezultati kažejo, da razlike v telesni samopodobi najbolj pojasnjujeta eksplozivna moč in hitrost. Trenutno življenjsko obdobje testiranih je obdobje zgodnje zrelosti, čas osamosvajanja in želje po samostojnosti, zato namenijo čas študiju, iskanju zaposlitve, partnerstvu - Mnogokrat zanemarijo športno dejavnost, kar pa je seveda neposredno povezano z ravnjo gibalne učinkovitosti. Pri mladostnikih moramo v prihodnje bolj spodbujati in ponujati možnost gibalne aktivnosti, saj je izjemnega pomena za oblikovanje podobe odrasle osebnosti. Z osnovnimi, posebnimi in svojevrstnimi gibalnimi dejavnostmi lahko vplivamo na oblikovanje podobe. Z razvojem in dozorevanjem je vpliv vse manjši. Če je že v otroštvu gibalnih dejavnosti premalo, se pojavijo težave pri kasnejšem oblikovanju gibalnega in telesnega razvoja. V zrelem obdobju se telesni razvoj popolnoma umiri, zato se v primeru, da nismo gibalno dejavni, začnejo degenerativni procesi odvijati že v tem obdobju.
diplomska dela;samopodoba;telesna samopodoba;gibalni razvoj;gibalne sposobnosti;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2014 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[L. Rajh] |
UDC: |
159.923.2-057.875:796.012.1(043.2) |
Views: |
1241 |
Downloads: |
171 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
The purpose of the research was to determine whether there is any correlation between the students' physical efficiency and their physical self-image. The research included 183 female students of the Faculty of Education in Maribor, aged 19 to 20. The measurements were carried out on Franc Rozman Stane Primary School in Maribor and Secondary School for Wood Science and Technology in Limbuš. For the measurement of physical efficiency six tests of the Eurofit testbattery were used. By means of a questionnaire, which is a translation of the French version of the questionnaire for the identification of the body self-image called The Physical Self-Inventory-short form, we acquired information on sex, age and physical self-image (Maïano, Morin, Ninot, Monthuy-Blanc, Stephan, Florent etc., 2008). The t-test was used to determine differences in movement abilities; to determine the correlation of the individual movement capabilities to body self-image regression analysis has been used. Data were statistically processed at the risk level of 0.05 (p 0. 05). The results suggest that differences in body self-image are mostly explained by explosive power and speed. It is the period of early maturity, time of becoming independent and the presence of strong desire for authonomy; therefore they devote most of the time to studying, job and partnership. Frequently they ignore the sport, which is of course directly related to the level of physical performance. We need to promote and offer more possibilities of physical activity to young people because it is of utmost importance for building positive adult personality. With the basic, special and peculiar activities we can build positive self-image. As youth grows older the impact is getting weaker. The lack of physical activity in the early childhood causes problems in the subsequent creation of the locomotor and physical development. So in the mature period, when the physical development is completed and there is lack of physical activity, degenerative process starts taking place. |
Secondary keywords: |
general self-image;body self-image;motor development;motor skills; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk |
Pages: |
56 f., [4] f. pril. |
ID: |
8729535 |