diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Maja Firm (Author), Marko Cedilnik (Mentor)


Marsikatero podjetje se srečuje s problemom velikosti zalog, saj se v skladiščih nahajajo obratna sredstva, ki so lahko velika ali majhna. Podjetja morajo poskrbeti za optimalne zaloge, ki bodo ob najnižjih stroških zagotavljale normalno prodajo izdelkov. Diplomsko delo obravnava upravljanje zalog v podjetju Sgerm, d. o. o., konkretno želimo rešiti problem upravljanja zalog z ustrezno metodo. Za dobro upravljanje zalog potrebujemo celotne podatke o gibanju zalog v podjetju, kakšna je njihova prodaja in nabava. V zalogah je vezan velik del sredstev, zato je upravljanje zalog zelo pomembna funkcija v podjetju Sgerm, d. o. o. Problem podjetja Sgerm, d. o. o., je neučinkovito upravljanje zalog, za kar obstaja več vzrokov. S pravilnim upravljanjem zalog bodo v podjetju skušali ohraniti optimalno količino zalog, zato bomo predlagali najučinkovitejšo metodo upravljanja z zalogami. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in iz praktičnega dela. V uvodu naloge smo opredelili problem, ki je predmet raziskave. Opredelili smo namen, cilje, osnovne trditve, predpostavke in omejitve dela ter metode raziskovanja samega problema. V prvem delu so obravnavane teoretične osnove skladiščenja in njegovih funkcij ter opredelitve zalog in njihova vloga v podjetjih. V drugem, praktičnem, delu diplomskega dela je opredeljeno obstoječe stanje podjetja Sgerm, d. o. o., v sklopu katerega je opisano skladiščno poslovanje in upravljanje zalog. Izračunan je tudi koeficient obračanja zalog in dnevi vezave zalog, s pomočjo katerih ugotovimo učinkovitost obvladovanja zalog. Glede na obstoječe stanje podjetja smo predlagali, da v podjetju neučinkovito obvladovanje zalog rešujejo z učinkovitejšim sistemom naročanja izdelkov ter na ta način optimirajo zalogo in odpravijo nekurantno zalogo. V zaključku smo povzeli ugotovitve in pogoje za uvedbo ter možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja.


skladiščenje;zaloge;upravljanje zalog;skladiščno poslovanje;stroški;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [M. Firm]
UDC: 338
COBISS: 512583997 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1954
Downloads: 263
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Storage and management of supplies - a case study of the company Sgerm, d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: Many companies are facing the problem of the size of the supply, since storages are filled with current assets, which can be small or large. Companies have to take care of optimal supplies, which will at minimal costs ensure normal sales of the products. The thesis discusses supply management in the company Sgerm, d. o. o., more precisely, we want to solve the problem of supply management with a proper method. Good supply management demands complete information on the movement of supplies in the company, their sales and acquisition. A large part of assets is tied in the supplies, therefore supply management is a very important function in the company Sgerm, d. o. o. The problem of the company Sgerm, d. o. o., is ineffective supply management, for which there are several reasons. With proper supply management the company will be able to maintain an optimal amount of supplies, therefore we will suggest the most effective method of supply management. The thesis consists of the theoretical and practical part. In the introduction we defined the issue that represents the object of the research. We defined the purpose, goals, basic statements and methods for the research of the problem. In the first part we discuss theoretical bases of storage and its functions, definitions of supplies and their role in the company. In the second, practical part of the thesis we defined the current state of the company Sgerm, d. o. o., within which we described storage business operations and the supply management. We calculated the coefficient of supply return and days of tied supplies, with the help of which we identify the efficiency of supply management. According to the current state of the company we suggested that the company should solve the ineffective supply management with an effective system for ordering products and thus optimize the supply and get rid of the non-current supply. In the conclusion we summarized the findings and conditions for the introduction and possibilities for further development.
Secondary keywords: warehouse;supplies;supply management;warehouse operations;costs;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VII, 62 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 8729589