diplomsko delo
Alfred Pfeifer (Author), Boris Aberšek (Mentor)


V nalogi sem se lotil problema vzdrževanja ogrevalnih in hladilnih sistemov v poslovnem objektu Elektor Maribor, ker pa bi obdelava celotnega objekta bila prezahtevna in predvsem preobsežna naloga sem se v diplomskem delu podrobneje osredotočil le na sistem vzdrževanja toplotne črpalke AERMEC s katero se ogreva in hladi ena etaža (mansarda) ter plinskega kotla VIESSMAN, s katerim se ogreva ostalih sedem etaž. Oba sistema sta fizično ločena, toplotna črpalka je nameščena na strehi, kotel pa v kleti, vendar imata oba skupen cevni sistem saj je pri zunanji temp nižji od 50C potrebno preklopiti ogrevanje mansarde s toplotno črpalko na ogrevanje iz kotlovnice s plinskim kotlom. Zaradi zelo dotrajanih cevovodov in velike količine mulja v ceveh, prihaja do zastojev enega ali drugega sistema. Prav tako se pojavljajo pogoste zamašitve ventilov in konvektorjev, kar ima za posledico nezadostno ogrevanje delovnih prostorov in nejevoljo zaposlenih. Cilj diplomskega dela je projektiranje sistema vzdrževanja tako, da se skupaj z dograditvijo oz. posodobitvijo sistema, težave pri vzdrževanju zmanjšajo oziroma povsem odpravijo, kar pomeni analizirati vzroke napak, in poiskati konstrukcijske rešitve predvsem z namestitvijo novih cevnih čistilcev in več izločevalnikov mulja, ter izdelava novega načrta vzdrževanja za celoten sistem. S tem se bodo zmanjšale zamašitve grelnih in hladilnih teles s pripadajočimi ventili in cevovodi ter povečala zanesljivost delovanja toplotne črpalke in plinskega kotla.


vzdrževanje;ogrevanje;hlajenje;toplotna črpalka;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Pfifer]
UDC: 658.58:697(043.2)
COBISS: 18058262 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1329
Downloads: 110
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Maintenance of heating and cooling systems in office building Elektro Maribor
Secondary abstract: In the diploma work we are dealing about the problem of maintenance of heating and cooling systems in the business building Elektro Maribor. But treatment of whole system could be too complicated, in this work we focused in greater detail on maintenance of system of heat pump AERMEC which heat and cools one floor (mansard roof) and gas boilers VIESSMAN, which is warming up the remaining seven floors. Both systems are physically separated, the heat pump is installed on the roof, boiler and in the basement, but they both have a common pipe system, because when is outside temperature lower than 50 C the system must switch from heating with a heat pump to heating from the gas boiler. Due to the very old piping and large amounts of silt in the tubes, comes to the congestion of one or the other system, and also appearing frequent clogging valves and convectors, resulting in insufficient heating of workplaces and the reluctance of employees. Objective of the thesis is the design of the maintenance of mentioned system, so that mentioned problems in the maintenance will be reduced or completely eliminated. That means, we must first analyse the causes of errors, and to seek solutions primarily with the installation of a new structural pipe cleaners and more extractors of silt, and making the new maintenance plan for the entire system. This will reduce the heating and cooling of clogging bodies with associated valves and piping and to increase the reliability of the operation of the heat pump and gas boiler
Secondary keywords: maintenance;heating;cooling;heat pump;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: IX, 59 f.
ID: 8729654