diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
David Bezovnik (Author), Iztok Potrč (Mentor), Tone Lerher (Co-mentor)


Proces oblikovanja izhodne transportno skladiščne enote v podjetju BSH Hišni aparati Nazarje, d.o.o., smo razdelili na štiri faze: proces ročnega paletiranja, proces odvoza gotovih aparatov, proces kompletiranja in na stroške obrabe delovne opreme. V vsaki fazi smo natančno določili čas in stroške. Cilj, ki smo si ga zadali, je avtomatizirati sam proces, ga narediti delodajalcu in zaposlenim bolj prijaznega in racionalizirati stroške dela na minimum. Ocenili smo, da oblikovanje izhodne transportno skladiščne enote na eni proizvodni liniji Tassimo, kjer izdelujejo kavne aparate Tassimo (600 tisoč aparatov letno), predstavlja dobrih 40 tisoč EUR na leto. Kot rešitev problema bi uvedli industrijski pakirni robot oziroma paletizer, ki bi bil voden tako, da bi sam opravljal paletizacijo kavnih aparatov, jih embaliral do višine 2688 mm, ovijal in s pomočjo transportnih trakov transportiral do nakladalne ploščadi. Cena paletizerja bi znašala okoli 120 tisoč EUR in posledično bi se investicija povrnila v treh letih.


skladiščno poslovanje;optimizacija procesov;proizvodna linija;proizvodni proces;uvajanje novih tehnologij;izhodna transportno skladiščna enota;industrijski pakirni robot;paletizer;paletizacija;kavni aparati;logistika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [D. Bezovnik]
UDC: 338
COBISS: 512627773 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1106
Downloads: 49
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Rationalization of the cost in forming the output transport storage unit in the company BSH Home appliances Nazarje, ltd.
Secondary abstract: The process of forming the output transport storage unit in the company BSH Home appliances Nazarje, Ltd we split into four groups: the process of hand packaging of products on pallet, the process of removal of completed products, the process of combination and costs of wear work equipment. In each group we determined time and costs. Our first aim was that we automate the process of forming; the second aim was that the process become friendlier for workforce and for an employer and the third aim was that we minimize costs to the minimum. We assessed that forming the output transport storage unit into one production line Tassimo, where they made 600 thousand products each year, costs 40 thousand EUR per year. Solution for this problem will be introduction of industrial packaging robot or palletizer. Palletizer will palletize coffee machines, package and wrap them to the height of 2688 mm. The pallet will then be moved with conveyor belts and transported to the loaded ramp. The price of palletizer will be around 120 thousand EUR and investment would be repaid in three years.
Secondary keywords: storage operations;process optimization;production line;production process;introduction of new technologies;output transport storage unit;industrial packaging robot;palletizer;palletize;coffe machines;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VIII, 59 f., 2 f. pril.
ID: 8729743