magistrsko delo
Andreja Kavaš (Author), Andrej Lisec (Mentor), Bojan Rosi (Co-mentor)


Družba se danes srečuje z različnimi vprašanji s področja varovanja okolja in ravnanja z odpadki, saj le-ti predstavljajo veliko okoljsko grožnjo. Čeprav je Slovenija majhna država, se srečuje z velikimi problemi na področju ravnanja z odpadki. Problemi se začnejo pri razlikah v ravnanju z odpadki med samimi občinami. Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje je zadolženo za primerno pravno podlago sistema ravnanja z odpadki ter ključnih akterjev v sistemu. Namen je preoblikovati zdajšnji sistem povratne embalaže za pijačo, ki predstavlja velik delež komunalnih odpadkov iz gospodinjstev. Danes je osnovni sistem odpadne embalaže za pijačo vključen v sistem ločenega zbiranja gospodinjskih odpadkov, kjer so vsi materiali embalaže za pijačo združeni v eno – mešano embalažo. Po sortiranju v gospodinjstvu embalažo čaka še eno sortiranje v sortirnih centrih min še le nato jih prevzamejo Družbe za ravnanje z odpadno embalažo (DROE). DROE nadaljujejo s sistemom reciklaže oziroma pravilnega ravnanja z odpadno embalažo. Izjema je tista embalaža v povratnem sistemu, za katerega proizvajalec sam poskrbi primeren reverzni obtok embalaže. Da dosežemo zmanjšanje odpadne embalaže, moramo za to poskrbeti že na izvoru. Sistem, ki ga želimo predstaviti, je kombinacija ravnanja z odpadki ter kavcijskega sistem za pijačo. Kot paralelni sistem bi pomenilo optimalno ravnanje z odpadno embalažo za pijačo. S spletnim vprašalnikom smo prišli do podatkov, da se Slovenci zavedajo problematike kopičenja embalaže ter podpirajo optimiziran sistem sistema za ravnanje z embalažo za pijačo.


ravnanje z odpadki;odpadna embalaža;ravnanje z embalažo;kavcija;ločevanje odpadkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [A. Kavaš]
UDC: 502/504
COBISS: 512590909 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1063
Downloads: 70
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The renovation system of the packaging management for the beverage in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: Today societies handle with various questions about waste management, which are representing the big environmental threat. Even so, that Slovenia is a small country it is facing a major problem regarding the waste management. The problems start with the different systems of waste management, which are basically the same but in the details they do have different approaches. For the uniform systems is responsible the Ministry for agriculture and environment, which is also in charge of fixing out the roles of all key players in the waste packaging chain. The purpose is to redesign the system of reverse packaging system for drink containers, which represent a big proportion in the municipal waste from households. Today the basic system of empty drink containers is integrated into the system of sorting out general household waste. In this system the drink containers end in the packaging waste, although they are made from different material. After sorting, the public service for waste removal collects the waste and sorts it again in the collection centers. Afterwards the packaging materials are stored for company for handling the packaging waste to take them away. These companies continue with the recycling process so that in the end we get the new source for production. Exceptions are those empty drink containers, for which producers set their own refund /return system. To reduce packaging waste from households, the best optimal solution would be reducing the waste at the source. The system we want to introduce is a combination of already known waste management with deposit system for drinks. As a parallel system this would represent an optimal waste handling. We made a survey which showed that Slovenians are ready for changes and charging the deposit which would be refunded it is not a bad idea.
Secondary keywords: waste management;packaging waste;packaging management;deposit;waste separation;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VII, 170 f., 48 f. pril.
ID: 8729820
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