diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Aleksander Ban (Author), Danijela Frangež (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu prikazujemo pomembnost sodelovanja vseh služb na kraju ogleda sumljive smrti. Ugotavljamo, da je treba združiti znanje in predvsem izkušnje strokovnjakov različnih področij, če na vprašanja, postavljena pri preiskavah sumljivih smrti, želimo odgovoriti strokovno. Preiskovalci morajo na kraju ogleda sumljive smrti znanje združiti z izkušnjami, saj je ogled izredno pomemben, neponovljiv in zahteven ter ima v končni fazi spoznavno in dokazno vrednost. Na kraju ogleda sumljive smrti iščemo različne sledi: sledi papilarnih linij, biološke sledi, sledi obuval ter kemijske in mehanske sledi. Zavarovanje takšnih sledi, pregled trupla, ki ga opravi mrliški preglednik, in kasneje morebitna obdukcija so najpomembnejši pri preiskovanju takšnega dejanja. Treba je poudariti, da se ob izboljšavah standardov preiskav sledi s kraja kaznivega dejanja, novih tehnologijah iskanja in zavarovanja sledi, novih tehnologijah preiskav v Nacionalnem forenzičnem laboratoriju ter novostih glede taktičnosti in zakonodaje pri preiskavah kaznivih dejanj izboljšujejo tudi metode na področju sodne medicine. Zaradi tega je pri preiskavi sumljive smrti izrednega pomena obdukcija, saj se včasih šele takrat ugotovi, da gre za nasilno smrt. V tujini se vedno bolj uveljavlja digitalizacija kot pripomoček oziroma inštrument za izvedbo sodne obdukcije. Osnove sodne medicine morajo poznati tudi preiskovalci, saj lahko le tako kompetentno sodelujejo in tudi razumejo sodnomedicinske strokovnjake, ki sodelujejo pri preiskavi sumljive smrti. Praksa kaže, da se na ogledu kraja sumljive smrti pojavljajo posamezne težave, in sicer tako med policisti in kriminalisti kot tudi pri zdravnikih splošne medicine, ki pridejo opravit ogled. Zdravniki splošne medicine namreč niso dovolj usposobljeni za opravljanje mrliških pregledov. Podobna težava velja tudi za policiste, ki opravljajo oglede krajev sumljive smrti, saj imajo premalo izkušenj in znanja in se velikokrat zadovoljijo le s hitrim nenatančnim ogledom. Diplomsko delo predstavlja povezavo med ogledom kraja sumljive smrti s sodno medicino. Prikazuje dejavnost preiskovalcev na kraju najdbe trupla s sumljivimi okoliščinami ter sodelovanje z zdravniki splošne medicine v vlogi mrliških oglednikov in izvedenci sodne medicine, ki opravijo obdukcijo trupla.


sumljiva smrt;samomori;umori;uboji;obdukcije;mrliški pregledi;ogled kraja dejanja;preiskovanje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: A. Ban]
UDC: 343.98(043.2)
COBISS: 2825962 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1626
Downloads: 265
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In the thesis we show the importance of the cooperation of all services at the scene of a suspicious death inspection. We think that it is necessary to combine knowledge and above all experience of experts in various fields if the questions raised in the investigations of suspicious deaths we would like to answer professionally. Investigators have to combine their knowledge and experiences at the scene of a suspicious death, as the examination is extremely important, unique, and complex and has, ultimately, cognitive and probative value. At the scene of suspicious death we look for different traces: traces of papillary lines, biological, footwear, chemical and mechanical traces. Protecting such traces, examination of the body, carried out by a medical examiner, and possible later autopsy are the most important in the investigation of such offenses. It should be emphasised that besides the improvement in the standards of investigation of crime scenes, the new search technology and protection of traces, the new technologies of investigations in the National Forensic Laboratory, and novelties regarding feasibility and legislation enforcement in criminal investigations also the methods in the field of forensic medicine are improving. For this reason, the autopsy is of the utmost importance in the suspicious death investigation, because sometimes only the autopsy reveals a violent death. Abroad digitization as a tool or instrument for the implementation in forensic autopsy is increasing. Investigators should be aware of the fundamentals of forensic medicine, because this is the only way to competently participate and also understand the forensic experts involved in the investigation of a suspicious death. Practice shows that certain problems appear at the scene of a suspicious death among police officers and investigators as well as general practitioners, who come to carry out the inspection. General practitioners namely are not sufficiently trained to carry out death examinations. A similar problem also applies to police officers who carry out reviews at scenes of suspicious deaths. They do not have enough experience and knowledge and are often satisfied with only a fast inaccurate review. The thesis presents the link between suspicious death scene examination and the forensic medicine. It shows the investigators' activities on the spot of the body finding with suspicious circumstances, and the cooperation with general practitioners in the role of coroners and experts of forensic medicine, who carry out the autopsy of the corpse.
Secondary keywords: suspicious death;suicide;murder;manslaughter;accidental death;forensic autopsy;post mortem examination.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 50 str.
ID: 8729879
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, diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
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