magistrsko delo
Jan Kaučič (Author), Klavdij Logožar (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu sem se osredotočil na veliko finančno gospodarsko krizo, ki se je leta 2007 začela kot hipotekarna kriza na ameriškem trgu in se kasneje razširila v finančni in realni sektor, ter njenega vpliva in posledice na izbrano podjetje – Silkem d.o.o. Še Danes živimo v okolju, ki se otepa s posledicami ekonomske krize in na dnevnem redu so informacije o stečajnih postopkih do še pred kratkim solidnih gospodarskih družb. Izredno pomembno za gospodarske družbe je, da najdejo tržne niše v pravem času, se zavedajo svojih konkurenčnih prednostih pred tekmeci oziroma konkurenti, ter s svojim izdelkom ali storitvijo zadovoljijo potrebe končnega uporabnika oz. porabnika. V času finančno gospodarske krize je pomembna vloga managerjev (ki velikokrat prevzamejo vlogo kriznih managerjev) ter sprejetje hitrih in pravilnih odločitev v danem trenutku. Vsako podjetje si želi uspešno poslovanje, dosegati zastavljene cilje in ustvariti dobiček ob koncu leta, ne glede na to ali se nahajamo v času gospodarske krize ali gospodarske rasti. Podjetje, ki želi mednarodno poslovati na dolgi rok in biti pri tem uspešno si mora odgovoriti na številna vprašanja. Podjetje se mora mednarodnega poslovanja lotiti premišljeno, saj mu vsaka nepremišljena poteza povzroči stroške, ki so lahko zelo visoki. V konkretno izbranem podjetju – Silkem d.o.o. je močna izvozna usmerjenost na tuje trge obvarovala podjetje pred negativnimi vplivi padajoče gospodarske rasti na domačem tržišču, ustrezni ukrepi pa so poskrbeli, da so posledice velike finančno gospodarske krize bistveno manj vidne. Relativno velika prilagodljivost ter fleksibilnost pri izpolnjevanju specializiranih zahtev kupcev je omogočila utrditev obstoječe tržne pozicije in hkrati pridobivanje novih kupcev.


finančna kriza;gospodarske krize;mednarodno poslovanje;mednarodno trženje;ukrepi;tveganje;prodaja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Kaučič]
UDC: 339.5
COBISS: 11801884 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1909
Downloads: 86
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of financial and economic crisis on international business, case study on company Silkem Ltd.
Secondary abstract: This master thesis focuses on the financial economic crisis, which was launched in 2007 as a mortgage crisis in the U.S. market and later on expanded in the financial and real sector. Furthermore master thesis explains the impact of the financial and economic crisis and its implications on the chosen company - Silkem Ltd. Today we live in an environment that is struggling with the consequences of the financial and economic crisis on daily basis and information about bankruptcy recently solid companies. It is extremely important for companies to find a niche at the right time, to be aware of their competitive advantage over rivals or competitors and to satisfy the needs of consumers with their products or services. During the financial and economic crisis it is important role of managers (who often take on the role of crisis managers) and adoption of quick and correct decisions in given time. Every company wants a successful business, achieve goals and make a profit at the end of the year, regardless of whether we are in a time of economic crisis or economic growth. A company that wants to do business internationally in the long run and be successful at this must answer a number of questions. The Company that wants to do business international must plan international operations very thoughtfully, because a wrong move can cause serious costs. In the specific chosen company – Silkem Ltd. a strong export orientation to foreign markets has protect against the negative effects of descending economic growth in the domestic market. Appropriate measures in the company has lead that the consequences of major financial and economic crisis were significantly less visible. Relatively high adaptability and flexibility in fulfilling specialized requirements of customers has enabled the consolidation of existing market positions and acquiring new customers at the same time.
Secondary keywords: The financial economic crisis;Actions for reducing the impact of crisis;Management;International business;risk;sales of products.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 65 str.
ID: 8729915