diplomsko delo
Waldorfska pedagogika je nastala kot alternativni koncept zaradi teženj po spremembi šolskega sistema izobraževanja. Izobraževalne institucije, ki uporabljajo waldorfsko pedagogiko za temelj vzgoje in izobraževanja, prilagajajo učne vsebine in učni proces razvojnim stopnjam mladostnikov. V diplomskem delu so predstavljene oz. izpostavljene vse ključne značilnosti waldorfskega izobraževalnega koncepta in njegovega vpliva na organizacijo waldorfske gimnazije. Zaradi navezave učnih vsebin na razvojne stopnje mladostnika smo opisali psihološko-razvojno ozadje, ki sovpada z načinom obravnave in izbiro književnih del v posameznem razredu. Na podlagi primerjave kurikula waldorfske in splošne gimnazije pri predmetu slovenščine smo prikazali drugačen način pristopa do poučevanja književnega pouka. Opisane in prikazane so vsebine, ki se obravnavajo v posameznem razredu waldorfske gimnazije, in podobnosti oz. razlike med izborom vsebin obeh gimnazij. V zadnjem poglavju smo s primerjavo učnih načrtov waldorfskih srednjih šol po svetu prikazali enotnost waldorfskega koncepta. Slovenski okvirni waldorfski gimnazijski kurikul smo primerjali s tremi ameriškimi, dvema nemškima, avstrijskim, estonskim in angleškim kurikul waldorfskega srednješolskega izobraževanja.
diplomska dela;waldorfska pedagogika;waldorfska gimnazija;splošna gimnazija;pouk književnosti;učni načrt;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2014 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[L. Jelen] |
UDC: |
82:37.091.4:373.5(043.2) |
Views: |
1484 |
Downloads: |
258 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Similarities and differences between Waldorf and national secondary school in organization and literature teaching |
Secondary abstract: |
Waldorf pedagogy was developed as an alternative education concept to the existing education system. Educational institutions which follow the concept of Waldorf pedagogy, adapt the learning content and learning processes to adolescent stages of development. This thesis discusses all key features of Waldorf education concept and its impact on the organization of Waldorf high school. Because of the adaptation of learning content to adolescent stages of development, psychological and developmental background which concure to the teaching approach and selection of literary works in class have been examined. On the basis of a comparison of a Waldorf high school curriculum with the Slovene general upper high school curriculum, a different approach to literature teaching has been displayed. Described are topics which are discussed in each year of Waldorf high school, as well as similarities and differences in selection of content between the two high schools. In the last chapter, a comparison of curricula at Waldorf schools around the world has been made, which has proven unity of the Waldorf concept. A Slovenian Waldorf high school curriculum has been compared to three American, two German, an Austrian, Estonian and English Waldorf high school curricula. |
Secondary keywords: |
Waldorf pedagogy;Waldorf high school;curriculum;literature;literary lessons; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti |
Pages: |
83 f. |
ID: |
8729971 |