delo diplomskega seminarja
Natalija Vozlič (Author), Zdenka Ženko (Mentor)


Z raziskavo diplomskega dela smo prišli do ugotovitve, da ustvarjalnost zagotavlja osebni in poslovni uspeh. Uspešna podjetja se zavedajo, da je ustvarjalnost ključni dejavnik za zagotovitev uspeha in prevlade podjetja na trgu. Vsekakor pa za vsakim poslovno uspešnim podjetjem stoji dobro usposobljen, motiviran, deloven, ustvarjalen ter inovativen kader. Pomembno je, da nadrejeni spodbujajo svoje zaposlene k ustvarjalnemu mišljenju, upoštevajo ter sprejmejo njihove nove ideje, predloge, jim dajejo občutek pomembnosti in vrednosti. Podjetja z aktiviranjem ustvarjalnosti dosegajo večjo inovativnost podjetja. Podjetja morajo vpeljati različne načine za spodbujanje ustvarjalnosti. Nekatera podjetja uporabljajo sistem nagrajevanja, jim omogočajo dodatna izobraževanja, jih spodbujajo k timskemu sodelovanju ter uporabljajo različne tehnike ustvarjalnega mišljenja. Vendar je lahko v določenih podjetjih opazno, da se zaposleni med seboj premalo spodbujajo k ustvarjalnem mišljenju in delovanju ter večina pri svojem delu ne uporablja tehnik ustvarjalnega mišljenja.


inovativnost;ustvarjalnost;ustvarjalno mišljenje;poslovna uspešnost;organizacijska klima;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [N. Vozlič]
UDC: 331.101.3(043.2)
COBISS: 11883804 Link will open in a new window
Views: 907
Downloads: 183
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Forming a creative climate in the selected organization
Secondary abstract: The research for this diploma paper showed that creativity ensures personal and business success. Successful companies are aware that creativity is the key that leads to success and dominance in the market. However, behind every such company stands a well-trained, motivated, hard-working, creative and innovative staff. It is of great importance that the superiors encourage their employees to engage in creative thinking, that they consider and accept their new ideas and suggestions, and that they make them feel important and valuable. By activating creativity, companies are achieving greater innovation. Companies need to introduce a variety of different ways to encourage creativity. Some use a reward system, some provide opportunities for further education, they encourage them to participate in team-work and some use different techniques of creative thinking. However, in certain companies, employees do not encourage each other enough to think and work creatively. Furthermore, the majority of their work does not include techniques of creative thinking.
Secondary keywords: creativity;innovation;creative thinking;techniques of creative thinking;creative environment;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 55 f.
ID: 8730067