(diplomsko delo)
Nataša Škofič (Author), Jožica Tomažič (Mentor)


Sladkorna bolezen je presnovna bolezen, ki v svetu iz leta v leto vse bolj narašča. O bolezni je na voljo veliko informacij, vendar kljub temu bolezni ne moremo preprečiti ali je pozdraviti. Bolnikom pa lahko v veliki meri pomagamo pri njihovem obvladovanju bolezni in preprečevanju zapletov, če imajo za to dovolj volje in motivacije. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti sladkorno bolezen tipa 2 in se seznaniti z zdravljenjem in zapleti. Predstavili bomo cilje za obvladovanje bolezni povzete iz nacionalnega programa za obvladovanje SB2. Prikazali bomo rezultate glede na izvedeno raziskavo, v katero je bilo vključenih 50 bolnikov ki obiskujejo Specialistično internistično in diabetološko ambulanto Marte Simonič, dr. med. spec. Internist, Zgornja Hajdina. Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo ankete z 24 vprašanji od katere je bilo 15 vprašanj zaprtega tipa in 9 odprtega tipa. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da anketirani bolniki dobijo dovolj informacij o sladkorni bolezni z vidika medicinskega osebja in od medijev. Anketirani bolniki tudi poznajo vrednosti krvnega sladkorja in zaplete sladkorne bolezni. Anketirani bolniki še nimajo zapletov sladkorne bolezni, saj so večinoma motivirani za upoštevanje nasvetov za obvladovanje bolezni in so mnenja, da je njihova bolezen dobro obvladovana. Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2 je kronična bolezen, ki zahteva trajno zdravljenje, zato bi si moral vsak bolnik položiti na srce zavest, da je za svojo bolezen v prvi vrsti odgovoren sam, in se zavedati, da mu zdravnik in medicinska sestra pri njegovi bolezni lahko svetujeta in nudita zdravstveno oskrbo.


sladkorna bolezen tipa 2;obvladovanje;diabetološka ambulanta;zapleti;nacionalni program;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM - University of Maribor
Publisher: [N. Škofič]
UDC: 616.379-008.64
COBISS: 2051492 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2151
Downloads: 378
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Management of type 2 diabetes
Secondary abstract: Diabetes is a metabolic disease which has been increasing from year to year. Although there is a lot of information available about the disease it is impossible to prevent it or cure it. However, it is possible to help the patients to control it and to prevent complications if they have enough will power and motivation. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present Type 2 diabetes, which complications can occur and how it is treated. Goals for disease management from national programme management of Type 2 diabetes will also be presented. Results from a research conducted on a population of 50 patients who attend Specialist Clinic for Internal Medicine and Diabetes which is managed by Marta Simonič, dr. med. spec. Internist, Zgornja Hajdina will be shown. The research was carried out with a 24 questions survey, 15 of which were a closed type questions and 9 were an opened type questions. The research showed that the patients who participated in the survey get enough information about diabetes from medical personnel and from the media. They are also familiar with the values for the blood sugar and with the complications of diabetes. The patients who participated in the survey do not suffer from complications yet because they are motivated for following the advices for disease management and they believe that their disease is well controlled. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic illness which requires permanent treatment. That is why every patient should be well aware that every individual is responsible for his disease and that the doctor and other medical staff can offer them advice and medical treatment.
Secondary keywords: type 2 diabetes;management;clinic for diabetes;complications;national program;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: V, 58 str., 2 str. pril.
ID: 8730138