diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Domen Črešnik (Author), Benjamin Flander (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga obravnava sistem parlamentarnih volitev v Republiki Sloveniji. V demokratičnih državah preko volilnega sistema državljani z volilno pravico izražajo svojo voljo. Izbira volilnega sistema v določeni državi lahko pomembno vpliva na nemoteno delovanje in legitimnost političnega sistema. Pri vsem tem je seveda potrebno upoštevati načela volilnega sistema, ki zagotavljajo splošno in enako volilno pravico, svobodo in tajnost glasovanja. Volilne sisteme delimo na tri večje skupine, znotraj katerih se pojavljajo določeni podsistemi. Seveda pa obstajajo tudi nekateri volilni sistemi, ki jih ne moremo uvrščati v nobeno izmed skupin. Glavne tri skupine so: večinski volilni sistemi, proporcionalni volilni sistemi in polproporcionalni ali manjšinski volilni sistemi. V Republiki Sloveniji se je zakonodajalec po osamosvojitvi odločil za proporcionalni volilni sistem. Razdelitev mandatov v državnem zboru poteka na dveh ravneh (na ravni volilnih enot in na ravni celotne države). Različni avtorji različno opredeljujejo prednosti in slabosti trenutnega volilnega sistema v Sloveniji. Večina meni, da je potrebno vnesti spremembe v smeri dopolnitev in izboljšav trenutnega volilnega sistema, ki bi tako omogočale stabilnejšo in učinkovitejšo vlado.


volilni sistemi;volitve;parlamentarne volitve;Slovenija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: D. Črešnik]
UDC: 342.8(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 2836458 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2504
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with the system of parliamentary elections in the Republic of Slovenia. In democratic countries, through the electoral system of voting, citizens express their will. The choosing of an electoral system in a country can have a significant impact on the smooth functioning and the legitimacy of the political system. It is necessary to take into account the principles of the electoral system to ensure universal and equal suffrage, freedom and secrecy of the vote. Electoral systems are divided into three major groups inside of which appear certain subsystems. Of course, there are also some electoral systems, which can not be classified into any of the groups. The three main groups are the majority electoral systems, the proportional electoral systems and the semi proportional, a.k.a. the minority electoral systems. In Slovenia, after its independence, the legislature decided for the proportional electoral system. The allocation of seats in the National Assembly takes place at two levels (the constituencies and at the national level). Different authors have different interpretations about the strengths and weaknesses of the current electoral system in Slovenia. The majority's opinion leans in the direction of changing the electoral system. This doesn’t mean a complete change (to the the majority system), but changes in the form of additions and improvements to the current electoral system. The changes would also allow for a more stable and effective government.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 57 str.
ID: 8730168
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