(diplomsko delo)
Metka Visočnik (Author), Barbara Donik (Mentor)


Izhodišča: Darovanje organov je ena najbolj etičnih oblik odgovornosti posameznika do soljudi. Zgodbe prejemnikov darovanih organov opozarjajo, da darovanje organov in tkiv rešuje življenja. Statistika žal kaže, da so potrebe še vedno veliko večje, kot je na voljo primernih organov, to pa je tudi razlog, da določen procent ljudi na listi čakajočih ne dočaka presaditve. Medtem pa obstaja nekaj, za kar se lahko vsakdo odloči in pomaga pridobiti organe in sicer z vpisom v register za darovanje. Metodologija: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Podatke smo dobili z anonimnimi vprašalniki, ki smo jih razdelili med naključno izbranimi prebivalci mesta Maribor in okolice. Anketni vprašalnik je vseboval 23 vprašanj polodprtega in zaprtega tipa. Podatke smo računalniško obdelali in grafično prikazali s pomočjo računalniškega programa Microsoft Word in Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da imajo anketiranci izredno pozitiven odnos do darovanja organov in transplantacijske dejavnosti, medtem ko je v register darovalcev vpisan zelo nizek procent anketirancev (8 %). Večina anketiranih je mnenja, da je o transplantacijski dejavnosti in možnosti vpisa v register za darovanje zelo slabo seznanjena. Diskusija: Pomembno je, da ljudi seznanimo s pomenom darovanja organov in tkiv, ter na ta način rešimo marsikatero še tako dragoceno življenje. Zdravstveni delavci pa smo tisti, ki lahko z osveščanjem in aktivnim vključevanjem v transplantacijsko dejavnost k temu tudi največ pripomoremo.


darovanje organov;transplantacijska dejavnost;javno mnenje;osveščenost prebivalstva;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [M. Visočnik]
UDC: 616-089.843:316.653(043.2)
COBISS: 2049956 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1383
Downloads: 209
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Basic premises: Organ donation is the most ethical form of responsibility towards fellow human beings. Stories of organ recipients remind us that organ and tissue donation saves lives. Unfortunately, statistics show that organ supply does not met the demand; as a result, patients have to wait a very long time to receive organs, whereas some of them do not live to see that day. Nevertheless, every individual may decide to be entered in the register of organ donation and transplantation, and thus become an organ donor. Methodology: The research is based on a quantitative methodology, whereas the data has been obtained from an anonymous questionnaire which randomly selected residents of Maribor and the surrounding area have been kindly asked to complete. The questionnaire contains 23 questions of semi-open and open-ended structure. The data has been analysed and graphically presented using Microsoft Word and Excel. Results: The study shows that the respondents have a very positive attitude towards organ donation and transplantation, while very few of them (8%) are registered in the register of organ donation and transplantation. The majority of the respondents believe that they have very little information about the transplantation activities and the opportunity to be entered in the register of donation and transplantation. Discussion: It is essential to inform people about the importance of organ and tissue donation, and thus save many lives. However, it is us, the medical staff, who can contribute the most by raising awareness and being actively involved in transplant activity.
Secondary keywords: organ donation and transplantation;transplantation activity;public opinion;public awareness;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: [VIII], 49 f., 7 f. pril.
ID: 8730171
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