diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Kristjan Slokar (Author), Teodora Ivanuša (Mentor)


V zadnjih nekaj letih se je svetovni trg zelo razširil. Pojavilo se je ogromno sprememb na vseh segmentih trga, hkrati pa stalno nastajajo nova področja in nove priložnosti. Nenehno se pojavljajo tudi novi ponudniki materialov in storitev, ki si med seboj konkurirajo. Cilj vsakega podjetja, ki želi te storitve uporabljati, je med ponudniki poiskati tistega, ki je glede na odzivnost, kakovost, cene in logistiko najprimernejši za zadovoljitev potreb podjetja. Stalno večanje produktivnosti, učinkovitosti dela in zaslužek so glavni cilji vsakega podjetja. Neprestano prizadevanje za uspeh zahteva nenehne spremembe, izboljšave, razvoj in druge ukrepe znotraj podjetja pa tudi prilagajanje podjetja delu trga, v katerem se nahaja. Hkrati je nenehni razvoj pogoj za obstanek podjetja in njegovo konkurenčnost na trgu. Eden od najpomembnejših delov podjetja je nabavna služba, od katere sta odvisni učinkovitost in celotna produktivnost podjetja. Za uspešno organiziranje nabavne službe potrebujemo dobre menedžerje, saj je od nabavnega oddelka velikokrat odvisen tudi obstoj podjetja. Nabavna služba je del proizvodne verige, ki vključuje vse procese, potrebne, da iz osnovnega materiala naredimo končni prodajni izdelek. Proizvodna veriga tako predstavlja celoten proces, ki sega vse od nakupa materiala (surovin) do izdelave končnega/prodajnega izdelka. S stalnim razvojem podjetja se ta veriga veča in postaja vse bolj kompleksna, zaradi česar je potreben tudi ustrezen nadzor nad cenami, količinami, kakovostjo in dobavnimi roki ter ostalimi fazami proizvodnega procesa.


podjetje;poslovanje;nabava;nabavna politika;nabavna služba;logistika;skladiščno poslovanje;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: K. Slokar]
UDC: 005.5(043.2)
COBISS: 2860522 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1131
Downloads: 234
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In last couple of years the worlds market expended significantly. A lot of changes took place in all of the parts of the market. At the same time new areas on the market are opening to make room and opportunities for new companies. New supplyers of material and services are showing up on the market all the time, and they are in constant competition with eachother. The goal of every company which wants to use the services and materials of supplyers, is to find the one supplyer who suits their criteria (prices, reliability, quality, logistics) best. Constant improvements of productivity, efficiency and income are the main goal of every company. This continuous strive toward success requires contant changes, improvements and development inside of the company, while at the same time the constant development means greater chances of success and competitiveness in the segment of the market where the company is located. One of the most important parts of the company is its purchasing department. Entire productivity of the company depends on the quality of the purchasing department. Purchasing departments need good managers, because a lot of time the very existance of the company depends on this department. Purchasing department is a part of the production chain by which we understand all the processes that are necessary to create a finnal product which we are going to sell. Production chain therefore consists of all the actions that take place from when we order material to the end of the production line where te final product comes out and its ready to sell. With constant development of the company this chain expands and becomes more and more complex. This means that monitoring of actions must be integrated in the process.
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 41 str.
ID: 8730357
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