diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Mitja Glasenčnik (Author), Borut Jereb (Mentor)


Gorenje Keramika je največji proizvajalec keramičnih ploščic v Sloveniji. Če želi še naprej uspešno konkurirati pritiskom tujih proizvajalcev, mora stremeti k največji optimizaciji svojega poslovanja in k s tem povezanim zniževanju stroškov. Velik del poslovnega procesa predstavlja skladišče, ki v tem trenutku za prepoznavanje izdelkov uporablja sistem črtnih kod, ki bi ga bilo z razvojem tehnologije sedaj mogoče zamenjati z RFID-prepoznavanjem, to je radiofrekvenčnim prepoznavanjem. Omenjena tehnologija s pomočjo radijskih valov samodejno zajema večje število podatkov in jih vpisuje v povezan program, ki lahko na ta način spreminja zaloge, opozarja na napake in nudi prilagodljivo uporabniško okolje za enostavno delo. Pri delu smo najprej prepoznali pomanjkljivosti obstoječega sistema, zatem preizkusili tehnologijo RFID na simulacijskem poligonu in na koncu ugotovili, da je sistem RFID uspešno opravil nalogo prepoznavanja keramičnih ploščic in bi ga tako bilo možno vpeljati v skladišče podjetja Gorenje Keramika. Nov sistem bi tako omogočil samodejno zaznavanje podatkov, nudil boljšo kontrolo nad zalogo, hitrejše opravljanje skladiščnih manipulacij in zmanjšal število napak.


optimizacija poslovanja;optimizacija procesa;optimizacija stroškov;uvajanje novih tehnologij;črtna koda;RFID;skladišče;skladiščenje;proizvodno podjetje;Gorenje Keramika;logistika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [M. Glasenčnik]
UDC: 338
COBISS: 512633149 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1486
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Optimization of the external warehouse in the company Gorenje keramika d.o.o. with the introduction of RFID technology
Secondary abstract: Gorenje keramika is one of the biggest manufacturers of ceramic tiles in Slovenia. If they want to successfully compete with foreign manufacturers in the future, they have to strive for optimization of their business and the expenses linked to it. The warehouse represents a big part of the company’s business process. Currently they utilize the barcode system for identifying their products, but because of the evolvement of technology they could replace this system with RFID identification. This technology uses radio waves to capture data automatically and inputs it in the linked software which can further adjust the item stock, warn about potential mistakes and offers a flexible software working environment making it easy to use. First we identified the deficiencies in the current system, then we tested the working of the RFID system on a simulation field and at the end came to a conclusion that the RFID system successfully identified the ceramic tiles and therefore could be implemented in the warehouse of Gorenje keramika. The new system would enable automatic data identification, offer better stock control, make warehouse manipulations faster and lower the amount of mistakes made.
Secondary keywords: business optimization;process optimization;cost optimization;introduction of new technologies;barcode;storage;warehouse;warehousing;production company;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: VIII, 66 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 8730382
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