diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Marko Žižek (Author), Majda Krajnc (Mentor), Aljana Petek (Co-mentor)


Diplomsko delo predstavlja in prikazuje celoten potek ustvarjanja kratkih filmov, dolgih največ 5 minut, ki jih lahko posnamemo s programom Jing. V postopku izdelave filmov je v prvi stopnji pomembna izbira in razumevanje strokovnega problema, kajti le tako je možno kakovostno prikazati princip reševanja problemov. Naslednja stopnja je priprava na snemanje. V tem koraku se pripravijo tabele, enačbe, grafi in scenarij snemanja. Šele ko je vse pripravljeno sledi samo snemanje, kjer je pomembna pravilna koordinacija med delom in govorom. Za snemanje filmov je bil izbran program Jing, saj je enostaven za uporabo in prosto dostopen na spletu, kar pa je razlog, da je čas snemanja omejen na 5 minut. Za praktičen prikaz smo izdelali štiri filme. Prvi predstavlja statično sliko, in sicer Excelovo okno, drugi in tretji primer sta vzeta iz predmeta Računalništvo v kemiji, ki ga poslušajo študentje prvih letnikov kemije in kemijske tehnologije, in sicer: Izračun parnega tlaka z Excelom in Reševanje kubne enačbe z orodjem Goal Seek. Zadnji primer je Načrtovanje cevnega reaktorja, vzet je iz predmeta Sinteza procesov, ki ga poslušajo študentje 3. letnika kemijske tehnologije Visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje. Kratki filmi s strokovno vsebino so zelo praktičen način poučevanja in učenja, saj študenta vodijo skozi reševanje problema korak za korakom na pregleden in enostaven način, študent lahko hitro usvoji princip reševanja določenega tipa problemov. Filmi so študentu dostopni kadarkoli in kjerkoli.


elektronsko poučevanje;kratki filmi;e-mini lekcije;študij na daljavo;program Jing;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Žižek]
UDC: 791-2:66(043.2)
COBISS: 18226710 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1385
Downloads: 75
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis represents and shows a full course of creating short movies, up to 5 minutes long, also called screencasts which can be captured with the program Jing. In the process of developing screencasts, on the first stage a choice and understanding of a problem is important, because only this way it is possible to qualitatively display the principle of problem solving. Next stage is the preparation for recording. In this step we prepare tables, equations, graphs and script of recording. Only when everything is ready recording follows, where the right coordination between work and speech is important. Program Jing was selected for screencast recording, because it is simple to use and freely accessible on the web, which is the reason that the recording time is limited to 5 minutes. We made four screencasts for a practical display. The first represents a static picture, namely the Excel window, the second and the third case are taken from the course Computer Science in Chemistry, which is attended by students in first-year of chemistry and chemical technology, namely: Calculation of vapour pressure with Excel and Solving cubic equation by using the tool Goal Seek. The last example is Designing tubular reactor, taken from the course Process Synthesis, which is attended by third year students of chemical technology, Higher professional study program Level I. Screencasts with professional content are a very practical way of teaching and learning, since the student is lead through solving the problem step-by-step in a transparent and simple way, and a student can quickly assimilate the principle of solving a particular type of problems. Screencasts are accessible to students at anytime and anywhere.
Secondary keywords: e-learning;e-teaching;screencast;e-mini-lectures;distance learning;program Jing;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: VIII, 29 str.
ID: 8730458
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