diplomsko delo
Tina Bratuša (Author), Marjeta Ciglenečki (Mentor)


Zdravilišče Rogaška Slatina velja za eno izmed najlepših daleč naokoli. Eminentne goste je privabljalo že v svojih ranih začetkih in s svojimi zdravilnimi vrelci močno vplivalo tudi na hiter urbanističen razvoj naselja. Prva klasicistična urbanistična zasnova zdravilišča se prične razvijati že leta 1803, ko si vrelce prilastijo štajerski deželni stanovi z grofom Ferdinandom Attemsom na čelu. Stavbe so bile urejeno postavljene okoli glavnega vrelca na severu doline, med njimi pa se je razvil klasicistično urejen park s sprehajalnimi potmi. Na severu je kompleks prehajal v prosto naravo, na jugu pa ga je zaključil prvi Zdraviliški dom, ki je bil postavljen pravokotno na dolino in jo je tam tudi zapiral. Zaradi velikega porasta gostov je ta zdraviliška zasnova postala pretesna. Pričelo se je širjenje po dolini proti jugu, kjer so se v dve liniji razporedili zdraviliški objekti, na sredi pa je nastal velik park s sprehajalnimi potmi. Kmalu so odstranili tudi prvi Zdraviliški dom, saj je neorgansko ločeval severni in novo nastali južni del zdravilišča. Ves čas se je veliko gradilo in tudi veliko rušilo, vseskozi pa se je ohranjala dominantna vzdolžna os po parku. Zaradi novih gradenj je padel tudi eden izmed najodličnejših primerkov klasicizma pri nas, Wandelbahn. Njegovo mesto je zasedel hotel Donat, ki je bil zelo nasilno vstavljen v ta klasicističen kompleks. Bolj smotrno urbanistično rešitev je ponudil arhitekt Danilo Fürst, ki pa žal ni bila v celoti izpeljana.


diplomska dela;urbanizem;parki;vrelci;klasicizem;Rogaška Slatina;Zdraviliški trg;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Bratuša]
UDC: 711.4(Rogaška Slatina)(043.2)
COBISS: 20812552 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1834
Downloads: 275
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Urban development of Rogaška Slatina
Secondary abstract: The health resort Rogaška Slatina is considered to be one of the most beautiful resorts in the region. The resort attracted eminent visitors from its very beginning. Its healing springs heavily influenced the rapid urban developement of the place. The first classical urban design of the resort began to develop as early as in 1803, when the Styrian Estates with the duke Ferdinand Attems got the ownership of the springs. The buildings were orderly placed around the main spring in the north of the valley, and a classically landscaped park with walking paths developed among them. In the north, the resort transitioned into open nature, while in the south it was blocked by the first Health Resort House. Due to the increase in the number of guests, the space became too narrow and the resort started to spread through the valley towards the south, where the buildings were positioned in two lines while a big park containing walking paths was positioned in the middle. Soon they removed the first Health Resort House, because it inorganically seperated the northern part and the newly created southern part of the resort. Over the years many buildings were built and many were destroyed, but the dominant longitudinal axis of the park has been preserved until now. Due to new constructions, one of the finest monuments of classicism in Slovenia, the Wandelbahn, was pulled down. Its place was taken by the hotel Donat, which was inappropriately inserted into this classical complex. The architect Danilo Fürst offered a much more rational urbanistic solution, but it was not fully implemented.
Secondary keywords: Rogaška Slatina;urban development;springs;the Health Resort Square;park;classicism.;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino
Pages: V, 113 f.
ID: 8730503
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