diplomsko delo
Tina Ritlop (Author), Mojca Puncer (Mentor)


Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti koncept umetniškega in znanstvenega ter zgodovino povezovanja umetnosti in znanosti s poudarkom na podobah telesa v likovni umetnosti, ki v svoje delovanje vključuje znanost, prav tako pa je opredeljen tudi koncept samega telesa. Bistven del magistrskega dela se osredotoča na čas sodobne umetnosti, v okviru katere so predstavljeni tudi primeri tujih in slovenskih umetnikov, ki ustvarjajo s pomočjo znanosti in tehnologije in ki se v svoji umetnosti ukvarjajo s podobami telesa. Cilj diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšne možnosti ponujata znanost in tehnologija pri upodabljanju telesa ter kaj sporoča takšno povezovanje umetnosti z znanostjo. Analiza literature in primerjava različnih perspektiv sta privedli do ugotovitve, da tehnologija omogoča razvoj telesa v takšni razsežnost, da je težko predvideti, kakšen bo končni produkt znanstveno-umetniškega ustvarjanja ter kaj bo nekoč predstavljajo idealno telo. Uporabili smo več raziskovalnih metod, med njimi deskriptivno, komparativno, zgodovinsko, spraševalno metodo ter metoda analize in sinteze. Uporabljeni viri in literatura zajemajo knjige oziroma monografije, strokovne in nestrokovne časopisne članke, leksikone, učbenike, intervju ter internetne vire.


diplomska dela;umetnost;znanost;podobe telesa;znanstvena revolucija;Vanitas;Noordung 1995-2045;37°C;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Ritlop]
UDC: 7.036/.038(043.2)
COBISS: 20826632 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1458
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂimpact of science on the images of the body in contemporary fine arts
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this graduation thesis was to introduce the concepts of the artistic and the scientific, and the history of intersections of art and science, with the emphasis on the images of the body in fine arts that incorporate science into their artistic activities. The thesis also contains a definition of the concept of the body in western tradition and modern philosophy and aesthetics. The key part of the thesis focuses on contemporary art, and within its context it shows the examples of foreign and Slovene artists who use science and technology in dealing with the images of the body. The goal of the thesis was to learn about the possibilities of portraying the body with the help of science and technology, as well as to explain the message of such intersections of art and science. The thesis used several research methods including descriptive, comparative, historical, analytical and interrogation method. Works cited include monographs, articles from academic and non-academic journals, glossaries, school textbooks, an interview and electronic sources. The analysis of literature and comparison of different perspectives have shown that technology enables the body to develope to such extent and in such manner that it makes it hard to predict what the final result of the artistic and scientific production will be like and what the ideal body figure might be in the future.
Secondary keywords: art;science;images of the body;scientific revolution;Vanitas;Noordung 1995–2045;37°C;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino
Pages: 87 f., 3 f. pril.
ID: 8730522
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