magistrsko delo
Zala Urisk (Author), Simona Strnad (Mentor), Tatjana Kreže (Co-mentor)


Perutninsko perje predstavlja pomemben industrijski odpadek, ki vsakodnevno nastaja pri proizvodnji in predelavi perutninskega mesa. Zaradi tega potekajo številne raziskave možnosti njegove ponovne uporabe oziroma razvoja novih materialov in produktov iz perutninskega perja. Uporaba keratina iz perja za izdelavo funkcionalnih filmov je ena od pomembnejših smeri razvoja na tem področju, saj je zamenjava izdelkov, temelječih na petrokemičnih polimerih, z organskimi eden od osnovnih ciljev razvoja materialov v prihodnje. V magistrskem delu z naslovom »Priprava in analiza filmov iz mešanic glukomanana in keratina iz piščančjega perja« je bil namen preučiti možnosti uporabe keratina, pridobljenega iz piščančjega perja, v mešanicah z glukomananom za pripravo filmov, ki bi lahko predstavljali nosilce za različne protimikrobne aktivne substance, antibiotike, antioksidante, ipd. Pri pripravi filmov smo keratinu, ekstrahiranemu iz piščančjega perja, za izboljšanje fizikalnih lastnosti dodajali drug biopolimer z visokim povprečjem molskih mas, konjak glukomanan. S pomočjo analiznih metod, kot so optična mikroskopija, FTIR spektroskopija, določanje mehanskih lastnosti, analiza nabrekanja filmov v vodi in navzemanje vlage, določanje termičnih lastnosti ter določanje kontaktnega kota z vodo, smo ugotavljali, kakšne fizikalne in kemične lastnosti imajo pripravljeni filmi in kakšne so njihove možnosti za nadaljnjo uporabo. Ugotovili smo, da dodatek konjak glukomanana keratinu močno vpliva na mehanske lastnosti filmov, zaradi uvedbe velikega števila hidroksilnih skupin pa zviša adsorpcijo vlage.


piščančje perje;keratin;glukomanan;funkcionalni filmi;kontaktni kot;FTIR spektroskopija;termogravimetrija;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [Z. Urisk]
UDC: 678.567.017.86:591.478(043.2)
COBISS: 18339606 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1649
Downloads: 160
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Preparation and analysis of glucomanan/feather - keratin blend films
Secondary abstract: Poultry feathers are an important industrial waste that is produced daily in the production and processing of poultry meat. A big part of research is now focused on new possibilities of reusing waste feathers or developing new materials. One of the most important ways of development in this area is using waste poultry feathers for producing functional films, because replacing petrochemical polymers with organic polymers is one of the main focuses in the future. In our study entitled »Preparation and analysis of glucomannan and feather keratin blend films« we have focused on studying the possibilities of using keratin, extracted from chicken feathers in combination with konjac glucomannan to prepare films that would represent a substrate for different anti-microbial active substances, antibiotics, antioxidants, etc. The preparation of keratin films included adding another biopolimer with high average molecular weight to the keratin solution, konjac glucomannan. With a variety of analytical methods like optical microscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, determination of mechanical properties, analysis of film swelling in water and moisture content, determination of thermal properties and determination of contact angle with water, we have determined physical and chemical properties of the films and what are their possibilities for future use. We have established that the introduction of konjac glucomannan in the structure of the film has an important role in improving mechanical properties, since the high molecular weight of glucomannan contributes to its elasticity. Adding konjac glucomannan, which has high hydroxyl group content, to the film structure also improves its hydrophilic properties.
Secondary keywords: chicken feathers;keratin;glucomannan;functional films;contact angle;FTIR spectroscopy;thermogravimetry;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Oblikovanje in tekstilni materiali
Pages: IX, 58 f., [10] f. pril.
ID: 8730689