ǂa ǂcase study of Sportina Group
Jernej Berič (Author), Karin Širec (Mentor)


Trg v 21. stoletju je nasičen z raznovrstnimi izdelki in storitvami, ki jih ponujajo najrazličnejša podjetja. Govorimo o konkurenci, ki je že tako močna, da morajo nekatera podjetja v svoj sistem uvesti kopico sprememb, da lahko prekosijo konkurente. Prevzemanje tveganja lahko doprinese velik dobiček, lahko pa tudi veliko izgubo. Zato morajo podjetja ubrati strategijo, pri kateri obstaja visoka verjetnost rasti in dobička ter s tem nadaljnjega obstoja podjetja na trgu. Za uspešnost prihodnjega poslovanja je nujno, da si podjetje zastavi takšno strategijo, s katero bo doseglo svoj temeljni cilj. Za večino podjetij je temeljni cilj maksimizacija dobička. V prvem delu diplomske naloge obravnavamo teoretično izhodišče zastavljenega problema. Obravnavamo več vrst strategij, ki se jih podjetja poslužujejo za uresničevanje optimalne učinkovitosti na trgu. Načrtovanje strategije je pomembna strateška naloga, ki je povezana z optimalno ponudbo izdelkov in storitev trgu. Pomembna je tudi pravilna izvedba zastavljene strategije, ki si jo podjetje izbere, saj je to pogoj za obstoj na trgu. Neustrezno načrtovana strategija lahko vodi podjetje v propad. Preučevano podjetje Sportina Group si je izbralo strategijo diverzifikacije, ki jim je skozi leta omogočila širitev na različne trge z različno ponudbo. S tem so želeli doseči optimalno rast, položaj najuspešnejšega konkurenta na trgu in povečevanje dobičkov ter prihodkov. Izvedba strategije nepovezane konglomeratne diverzifikacije na področje turizma v podjetju Sportina Group je bila razmeroma neuspešna, saj so poslovni rezultati podjetja Sportina Turizem v obdobju 2010 – 2012 slabi, vrednosti finančnih kazalnikov pa večinoma neugodne. Precej začetnih investicijskih načrtov so morali v podjetju odložiti v nedoločeno prihodnost, zlasti zaradi posledic kreditnega krča, omejenosti dostopa do investicijskih sredstev, nezmožnosti črpanja evropskih sredstev, namenjenih spodbujanju turistične dejavnosti in drugih razlogov. Prekinjanje in odlaganje javnosti razkritih ciljev meče slabo luč na podjetje, saj ga investitorji, pa tudi obstoječi in potencialni odjemalci, ne dojemajo več kot verodostojnega.


podjetništvo;rast podjetja;razvoj podjetja;strateški management;diverzifikacija;SWOT analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [J. Berič]
UDC: 005.412(043.2)
COBISS: 11873820 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1715
Downloads: 613
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Diversified growth
Secondary abstract: The market in the 21st century is saturated with a plethora of products and services offered by a number of businesses. The competition has become so intense that some companies have no other option but to introduce a host of changes into their business process if they are to stand a chance of outdoing their competitors. Taking risks can result in mahoosive profits, to be sure, but on the other hand it can also wreak havoc on the company. Accordingly, companies are well-advised to choose a strategy that has a high chance of generating growth and profits, and of consolidating the firm’s existence in the market. The key to future success is pursuing a strategy that will enable the company to fulfill its objectives and reach its goals. The first and foremost goal of most businesses is the maximization of profits. In part one of this graduation thesis, we provide a theoretical overview of the problem in question. We discuss several strategies, adopted by businesses with the aim of optimizing their market efficiency. Strategy planning is a vital strategic task, and is linked to the optimal supply of goods and services in the market. Another important point is the correct, fine-tuned implementation of the outlined strategy, for this is the condition for the firm’s continued existence in the market. A strategy whose design has been flawed and marred by errors can cause the firm’s downfall. Sportina Group, our case study company, opted for the strategy of diversification, which enabled them to expand to various new markets and to develop new products. By doing so, they sought to attain optimal growth, to become the most successful business in their branch, and to increase profits and revenues. The implementation of unrelated conglomerate diversification strategy into the tourism branch in the company Sportina Group was largely unsuccessful, since the financial results of Sportina Tourism in the period 2010 – 2012 are poor, and the financial performance ratios are unsatisfactory. Initial investment plans had to be postponed into unspecified future, mostly due to the credit crunch, limited access to investment funds, inability to use funds from the European Union funding programs, and other reasons. The cancellation and postponement of investment plans that were made known to the public casts a poor light on the company, for the investors and customers cease to regard it as credible and trustworthy.
Secondary keywords: diversification;company growth;diversification strategy;growth strategies;strategy;strategic management;diversified growth;SWOT analysis;
Type (COBISS): Final seminar paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 42 str.
ID: 8730698