magistrsko delo
Andreja Križanec (Author), Simona Strnad (Mentor), Lidija Fras Zemljič (Co-mentor)


Perutninsko perje predstavlja pomemben industrijski odpadek, ki vsakodnevno nastaja pri proizvodnji in predelavi perutninskega mesa. Zato potekajo številne raziskave možnosti njegove ponovne uporabe oz. razvoja novih materialov in produktov iz perutninskega perja. Uporaba keratina iz perja za izdelavo funkcionalnih filmov je ena od pomembnejših smeri razvoja na tem področju, saj je zamenjava izdelkov temelječih na petrokemičnih polimerih z organskimi eden od osnovnih ciljev razvoja materialov v prihodnje. Zaradi relativno nizkega povprečja molskih mas, imajo filmi iz čistega keratina slabše fizikalne lastnosti. Hitozan je polisaharid z dobro izraženimi protimikrobnimi lastnostmi. V zadnjih letih potekajo številne raziskave možnosti njegove uporabe pri razvoju funkcionalne embalaže. Cilj magistrske naloge je bil pripraviti filme iz mešanice hitozana in keratina iz perutninskega perja in jih analizirati ter ugotoviti področja potencialne uporabe (za različne materiale in izdelke). Rezultati analiz so pokazali, da imajo filmi iz mešanice hitozana in keratina ob dodatku glicerola antibakterijski učinek, so transparentni, trdnejši, fleksibilnejši in biorazgradljivi v primerjavi s filmi izdelanimi iz čistega keratina. Izboljšane lastnosti filmov izdelanih iz mešanic hitozana in keratina, odpirajo nove možnosti uporabe odpadnega perutninskega perja kot izhodnega vira keratina.


keratin iz piščančjega perja;hitozan;biopolimerni filmi;analizne metode;hidrofilnost/hidrofobnost;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Križanec]
UDC: 678.567.017.86:591.478(043.2)
COBISS: 18335766 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1392
Downloads: 157
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Preparation and analysis of chitozan/feather - keratin blend films
Secondary abstract: Poultry feathers is an important industrial waste which is daily produced in the production and processing of poultry meat. Therefore, conducted many studies of possibilities in reuse and development of new materials and products from poultry feathers. Use of keratin from feathers to produce functional films is one of the the most important trends in this field since. The replacement of petrochemical products with organic polymers is one of the basic objectives of the development of materials in the future. Because of the relatively low average molecular weight, a film of pure keratin indicate inferior physical properties. Chitosan is a polysaccharide with good expression of the anti-microbial properties. In the last years take place several research into the possibilities of its use in the development of functional packaging. The aim of the master's thesis was to prepare films of a blend of chitosan and keratin from poultry feathers, analyze them and identify areas of potential application (for a variety of materials and products). The results of analysis showed that the films of a blend of chitosan and keratin with the addition of glycerol antibacterial effect. They are also transparent, stronger, flexible and biodegradable in comparison with the films made of pure keratin. Improved properties of films made from blends of chitosan and keratin, opening new possibilities of using waste poultry feathers as the output source of keratin.
Secondary keywords: keratin from chicken feathers;chitosan;biopolymer films;hydrophilicity/hidrophobicity;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Oblikovanje in tekstilni materiali
Pages: XIII, 86 f.
ID: 8730754