magistrsko delo
Tanja Štruc (Author), Sonja Treven (Mentor)


Magistrska naloga z naslovom: Dnevne migracije in prost pretok delovne sile in storitev v Evropski uniji na primeru Avstrije je sestavljena iz dveh delov: s teoretičnega in z empiričnega. Evropska unija na kratko EU je gospodarska in politična povezava 28 evropskih držav. Ustanovljena je bila po drugi svetovni vojni, s Pogodbo o Evropski uniji (Maastrichtsko pogodbo). Migracije predstavljajo gibanje ljudi iz enega kraja v drugega. Dandanes so v družbi zelo kompleksen in raznovrsten pojav. V največji meri pa se vse vrti okoli denarja, ki v današnjih časih obrača svet. Največji delež ljudi se seli, da bi dobili boljšo službo, zaslužili več in seveda posledično živeli boljše življenje. Med tipi migracij prevladujejo ekonomske migracije. Velik je tudi delež ilegalnih migracij, ki označujejo nedovoljen prehod državne meje. Prost pretok delovne sile poleg prostega pretoka storitev, blaga in kapitala predstavlja eno od štirih temeljnih svoboščin na notranjem trgu Evropske unije. Pri teoretičnem delu spoznamo pojme kot so: Evropska unija (osnovne informacije o Evropski uniji, njeno širjenje, delovanje, institucije in organe, naloge in težave), migracije (vzroki, posledice, vloga migracij v današnjem času, vpliv globalizacije na migracije) in prost pretok delovne sile. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge smo želeli dejavnike dnevnih migracij spoznati tudi v praksi. Raziskavo smo naredili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki smo ga razdelili med tiste, ki so zaposleni v Avstriji. Zanimalo nas je, zakaj so se anketiranci odločili, da si zaposlitev poiščejo v Avstriji, kaj so prednosti le-te, v katerem sektorju so zaposleni, v kako velikem podjetju delajo, koliko kilometrov prevozijo, da prispejo v službo ter ostale zadeve v zvezi z zaposlitvijo, ki so opisane v analizi ankete.


migracije;trg delovne sile;delovna sila;prosti pretok;storitve;zaposlovanje;brezposelnost;Evropska unija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [T. Štruc Gerold]
UDC: 331.5
COBISS: 11848476 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2763
Downloads: 497
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Daily migrations and free movement of labor and services in the Europena Union in the case of Austria
Secondary abstract: This Master's thesis entitled 'Daily commutes and free movement of labour and services in the European Union on the example of Austria’ is made up from two parts: theoretical and empirical part. The European Union (EU) is a politico-economic union of 28 European countries. It was founded after the Second World War with the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht Treaty). Migrations are movements of people from one location to another. In today’s society these represent very complex and diverse situations. They are mostly linked to money which makes the world go round. People often migrate in order to gain better employment, earn more money and consequently lead a better life. Among various types of migration, economic migration is certainly prevalent. There is also a high number of illegal migrations defined as illegal crossings of state borders. Free movement of labour beside the free movement of services, goods and capital is one of four fundamental freedoms of the European Single Market. The theoretical part defines terms such as: the European Union (stating basic information regarding the European Union, its enlargements, functions, institutions and authorities, tasks and problems), migrations (reason, consequences, the role of migration in today’s world, influence of globalization on migration) and free movement of labour. The empirical part brings factors of daily commutes into practice. The research was carried out with a questionnaire which was handed out to people working in Austria. We wanted to gather information as to why respondents decided to seek employment in Austria, what the advantages were, which industry they work in, the size of the company they work for, the amount of kilometres they drive to the place of their employment and other questions related to their employment noted in the questionnaire.
Secondary keywords: the European Union;migrations;the role of migrations;daily commutes;migrant workers;free movement of labour;unemployment;employment in Austria.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 60 str., 2 str. pril.
ID: 8730772