diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Martina Šafarič (Author), Darko Goričanec (Mentor), Danijela Doberšek (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu so obravnavane različne vrste in lastnosti toplotno izolacijskih materialov, ki so razdeljeni na klasične in alternativne. Osredotočili smo se na pojem stavbe in preučili, kaj vse vpliva na bivalno udobje v stavbi in na samo konstrukcijo. V primeru, da fasadno izolacijo naredimo nenatančno in nismo pozorni na toplotne mostove in kakovost gradbenih materialov, nas le to lahko s časoma privede do popravila in s tem do dodatnih stroškov ter do višanja porabe energije za ogrevanje prostorov. V diplomi je poudarek na investiciji fasadnega sistema in na razliki v porabljeni energiji za ogrevanje stanovanjskih prostorov pri neizolirani ali izolirani stavbi glede na povprečno velikost slovenskega stanovanja. Predstavljena je razlika v uporabi različnih energentov in čas v katerem se nam strošek izvedbe fasadne izolacije povrne, glede na različne energente in različne fasadne sisteme oz. njihove debeline. Glavno vodilo je veljavni standard PURES 10, ki zahteva, da je Umax manjši od 0,28 W/m2K. Zajeti so trije fasadni sistemi in sicer Demit original, Ursa prezračevana fasada z zaključnim slojem aluminija in Weber.therm fasadni sistem. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da klasični Demit fasadni sistem najprej povrne izvedbene stroške glede na različne energente. Za prezračevalni fasadni sistem pa velja, da ga najbolj uporabljajmo za visoko gradnjo, kjer je potrebna dolgoročnost zunanjega izgleda, saj je nekoliko dražji. Pri Weber.therm sistemu, pa v kolikor pridobimo pri boljši izolativnosti fasadnih plošč in manjši debelini, je tak sistem veliko dražji, kar pomeni, da se nam enostavna vračilna doba konstantno viša kar pa pri drugih dveh sistemih ne velja.


prenos toplote;racionalna raba energije;izolacijski materiali;ekonomska debelina izolacije;fasadni sistemi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Šafarič]
UDC: 536.24:669.914.5(043.2)
COBISS: 18242582 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1365
Downloads: 236
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Various types and characteristics of thermal insulation materials, divided into classical and alternative, are discussed in the diploma thesis. The main focus of the thesis is on the notion of a building, combined with the study of impacts on the living environment and on the construction. Imprecisely done facade insulation, low quality of construction materials and the lack of attention towards the thermal bridges can eventually lead to repairs. Consequently, extra expenses and the raise of power consumption for heating are followed. The diploma thesis focuses on the investment of a facade system and on the difference in power consummation for heating of living areas in an insulated or uninsulated building. The average size of a Slovenian apartment is taken into account. Information about the difference of use of various energy sources and the amount of time in which the expense of facade insulation is refunded, are given. Information applies in relation to various energy sources and different facade systems or their thicknesses. The applicable standard PURES10, which requires that Umax is less than 0,28 W/m2K was the main guideline of the study. Three facade systems have been examined and those are Demit original, Ursa ventilating facade with aluminium top layer and Weber thermo facade system. It was determined that the first one to refund the expenses, based on various heating energy sources is the classic Demit facade system. Execution itself is also not too expensive. The ventilating facade system is mostly used for high construction and for the matter of long term appearance, since it is a bit more expensive. It is shown that the Weber thermo system does gain a better insulation of facade panels and less thickness but the system is much more expensive. It is concluded that the depreciation period of Weber thermo system is continuously increasing, which does not apply for the other two systems.
Secondary keywords: heat transfer;the rationale use of energy;insulation materials;economic thickness of insulation;facade system;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: X, 54 f.
ID: 8730868
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