diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Tomaž Baus (Author), Borut Jereb (Mentor)


V družbi Slovenske železnice – Centralne delavnice, d. o. o. so želeli izboljšati njihov obstoječ informacijski sistem zaradi zaostrovanja gospodarske in finančne krize v letu 2011 ter želje po boljšem poslovanju družbe. Osnovni problem je bil, da niso poznali zmogljivosti, omejitev in posebnosti njihovega obstoječega informacijskega sistema. To nepoznavanje je posledično privedlo do njihove omejene zmožnosti definiranja zahtev za izboljšave informacijskega sistema. Z uporabo metode Joint Application Development smo intervjuvali zaposlene v informacijskem oddelku družbe in z njihovo pomočjo popisali stanje in lastnosti obstoječega informacijskega sistema. Na podlagi rezultatov popisa smo lahko definirali zahteve, potrebne za boljše delovanje informacijskega sistema. Naredili smo tudi SWOT analizo trenutnega stanja in Ishikawa diagram, ki prikazuje morebitne razloge za trenutno stanje. V zaključku so predstavljene ocene učinkov in pogoji za uvedbo izboljšav informacijskega sistema. Prav tako je predstavljena možnost nadaljnjega razvoja neodvisnega notranjega nadzora informacijskega sistema, s katerim bi se lahko preprečilo prihodnje neučinkovito ravnanje z informacijskimi viri.


informacijski sistem;informacijska tehnologija;analiza stanja;optimizacija sistema;prometni sistemi;logistični sistemi;železniški promet;notranji nadzor;Slovenske železnice;logistika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [T. Baus]
UDC: 656.2
COBISS: 512633917 Link will open in a new window
Views: 795
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Information system inventory in the central workshops of Slovenian railways
Secondary abstract: The company Slovenian Railroads - Central workshops Ltd wanted to improve their existing information system due to the worsening of the economic and financial crisis in 2011 and also their wish to improve the operations of the company. The basic problem was that they did not know the capabilities, limitations and peculiarities of their existing information system. Consequently, this lack of awareness has led to their inability to define the requirements for the improvements of the information system. With the use of the Joint Application Development method we interviewed employees in the company’s IT department and with their help catalogued the state and characteristics of the existing information system. Based on the results of the inventory, we were able to define the requirements needed for the better functioning of the information system. We did a SWOT analysis of the current situation and the Ishikawa diagram which shows the possible reasons for the current situation. In the conclusion, the estimates of the effects and the conditions for introducing improvements in the information system are presented. Additionally, opportunities for further development of independent internal control over information system, which could prevent future inefficient management of information resources, are presented.
Secondary keywords: information system;IT;analysis of the situation;system optimization;transportation systems;logistics systems;railway transport;internal control;Slovenian railways;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: X, 71 f., [1] f. pril.
ID: 8730952
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