magistrsko delo
Klemen Vehovar (Author), Sebastijan Seme (Mentor), Miralem Hadžiselimović (Co-mentor)


Magistrska naloga obravnava stanje obnovljivih virov energije v Sloveniji. Analiza stanja obnovljivih virov energije je narejena na podlagi državnih finančnih podpornih shem, ki so se uveljavile v zadnjem desetletju. Namen magistrske naloge je na enem mestu združiti vse vrstne obnvoljivih virov energije in jih predstaviti na skupnem imenovalcu. Kot cilj magistrske naloge smo prikazali gibanje obnovljivih virov energije, ki so posledica spodbudnih mehanizmov. Tako smo smo v magistrski nalogi predstavili razloge, možnosti in spodbude Slovenije, da doseže zastavljene cilje, ki se jih je kot članica Evropske unije tudi zavezala. Pri analizi stanja smo ugotovili, da porast proizvodnih naprav ni problematičen. Zaskrbljujoče pa je dejstvo, da ne obstajajo mehanizmi, ki bi nadzirali prekomerno rast proizvodnih naprav iz obnovljivih virov energije in posledično financiranje podpornih shem.


obnovljivi energetski viri;Slovenija;subvencije;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FE - Faculty of Energetics
Publisher: [K. Vehovar]
UDC: 502.174.3:005.525(497.4)(043.3)
COBISS: 1024197724 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1802
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of renewable energy sources in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The Master's thesis discusses the state of renewable energy sources in Slovenia. The analysis of the state of renewable energy sources in Slovenia is conducted on the basis of the state’s financial support schemes, which were established in the last decade. The purpose of the Master’s thesis is to combine all types of renewable energy sources in one place and present them with a common denominator. The goal of the Master’s thesis is to present the trends of renewable energy sources as result of support mechanisms. The Master’s thesis therefore presents the state’s reasons, possibilities and support in order to reach the set objectives, which it obliged to reach by becoming a member of the European Union. Through the analysis of the current state we found that the increase in production devices is not problematic. Concerning is the fact that there are no mechanisms that would control the excessive growth of production devices from renewable energy sources and consequently the financing of support.
Secondary keywords: Renewable Energy;Slovenia;support;subsidies;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fakulteta za energetiko
Pages: XII, 72 f.
ID: 8730988
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