magistrsko delo
Rok Tkavc (Author), Igor Vrečko (Mentor)


Temeljna raziskava magistrskega dela je bila zagon vodenja projektov rasti in razvoja v srednje velikih podjetjih, izvedena na primeru podjetja Kovinoplastika Benda d.o.o. Najprej smo v teoretičnem delu predstavili pomen strategij in projektov v srednje velikih podjetjih ter delovanje projektnega managementa v teh podjetjih. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje predstavili vrste projektov rasti in razvoja, programe projektov ter multiprojektno poslovanje v podjetjih. Ugotovili smo, da so za srednje velika podjetja projekti rasti in razvoja izjemnega pomena za zagotavljanje nadaljnje rasti in razvoja. V tem delu smo predstavili tudi proces zagona projektov ter dali poudarek predvsem na pretvorbo strategij v projekte in njihovo nadaljnjo izvedbo. V poglavju strateški razvoj podjetij smo opisali, kako poteka strateško načrtovanje v podjetjih, kakšne vrste strategij poznamo in kakšen pomen ima strateški management pri zagonu projektov rasti in razvoja v srednje velikih podjetjih. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili še povezavo projektov s strategijami, vrste ciljev in vhodne strategije projektov. Spoznali smo, da je v podjetjih ključna povezava strategij s projekti, saj lahko le iz jasno zastavljenih strategij nato izvedemo ustrezne projekte, ki bodo podjetju tudi v prihodnosti zagotavljali nadaljnjo rast in razvoj. Zadnje poglavje predstavlja empirični del magistrskega dela, kjer smo analizirali procese zagona projektov rasti in razvoja v podjetju Kovinoplastika Benda d.o.o. Najprej smo na kratko predstavili samo podjetje, nato pa predstavili aktualne projekte, ter podali predloge za zagotavljanje strateškega razvoja podjetja in predlog za reorganizacijo modela vodenja projektov v analiziranem podjetju. Spoznali smo, da podjetje trenutno nima izdelanega modela vodenja projektov in smo zato podali predloge, ki bi to problematiko v podjetju predvidoma izboljšali. Magistrsko delo smo zaključili s predlogi nadaljnjih projektov, ki bodo podjetju tudi v prihodnosti zagotavljali nadaljnjo rast in razvoj, poleg tega pa podali ugotovitve raziskave zastavljenega problema v podjetju.


projekti;projektni management;vodenje projektov;rast podjetja;razvoj podjetja;strateški management;strateško planiranje;srednja podjetja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [R. Tkavc]
UDC: 005.8
COBISS: 11991580 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1478
Downloads: 238
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Growth and development projects start-up in medium-sized enterprises applied in the case of Kovinoplastika Benda d.o.o.
Secondary abstract: Fundamental research of master's thesis was the growth and development of start-up projects in medium-sized enterprises implemented in the case of Kovinoplastika Benda d.o.o. Firstly in the theoretical part, we presented the importance of strategies and projects for medium-sized businesses and how the project management works in these enterprises. Further, we presented the types of start-up projects, programs and multiple projects of enterprises. We had known that for medium-sized enterprises, the start-up projects are very important for the further development and growth of enterprises. In this work, we also presented the project start-up and conversion between strategies and projects, and their subsequent implementation. In chapter of strategic enterprise development, we had described how the strategic planning in enterprises works what kind of strategies we knows and the importance of strategic management in start-up projects in medium-sized enterprises. Further we presented link between projects and strategies, types of objectives and entry strategy projects. We have learned that a link between strategies and projects is crucial for the enterprises, because only from a clear set of strategies we can carried out relevant projects, which will ensure continued growth and development for the enterprises. The last chapter presents the empirical part of the master's work, where we analyzed the survey of start-up projects of the company Kovinoplastika Benda d.o.o. Firstly we spent a few words about the company and then presented current projects and presented proposals for ensuring the strategic development of the company and the proposal to reorganize the model of project management in the analyzed company. We have learned that the company currently doesn't have a model of project management, so we made our suggestions which would improve the problem in the company. This master's thesis is concluded with suggestions of further projects, which will ensure further growth and development for the company, and we also presented the findings of the research objective problem in the company.
Secondary keywords: project;project management;growth and development start-up projects;strategies;strategic management;strategic planning.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 60 str.
ID: 8731131