diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa
Matjaž Valenko (Author), Željko Knez (Mentor), Ivan Malešič (Co-mentor)


Rastlinski svet je neznansko velika shramba različnih snovi, ki imajo zdravilne učinke. Ljudje so za lajšanje bolečin in raznih drugih bolezenskih težav že od nekdaj uporabljali rastline oziroma celotni rastlinski svet. Zato ni presenetljivo, da je še danes približno polovica vseh zdravil, ki jih uporabljamo, rastlinskega izvora. V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti optimalne pogoje ekstrakcije votlega petelinčka (Corydalis cava), vsebnost protopina v industrijskem in v domačem gomolju in morebitno nadaljnjo uporabo gomoljev. S samim raziskovanjem rastline in njenih alkaloidov, predvsem protopina, se povečuje tudi njena uporaba, saj jo uporabljajo kot analgetik, antidepresiv, pomirjevalo, delno tudi kot sredstvo proti raku ter za uravnavanje srčnega utripa. Za ta namen smo opravili ekstrakcije iz industrijsko pridelanega gomolja, kjer smo postopoma spreminjali začetne pogoje. Iz začetnih pogojev smo spreminjali samo en parameter, zaradi lažje primerjave dobljenih rezultatov. Pogoji, ki smo jih spreminjali, so bili temperatura, topilo, razmerje trdno – topilo, velikost delcev in pH-raztopine, medtem ko je čas ekstrakcije vedno ostajal enak. Po končanem prvem delu ekstrakcij smo rezultate analizirali s pomočjo tekočinske kromatografije. Iz pridobljenih rezultatov smo izbrali tiste, ki so imeli najboljše vrednosti protopina in pri teh pogojih izvedli še nadaljnje ekstrakcije iz gomolja iz lokalnega okolja. Rezultati ekstrakcij kažejo, da smo se z ekstrakcijami industrijskega gomolja približali vsebnosti protopina iz literature (230 mg protopina/100 g materiala) pri sledečih pogojih: 50 % raztopina etanola, temperatura 30 °C, velikost delcev 0,5-0,63 mm in razmerju material – topilo 4 g materiala na 100 mL topila. Medtem ko so rezultati ekstrakcije gomolja, ki smo ga pridobili iz lokalnega gozda bistveno nižji in niso presegli 4 mg protopina na 100 g začetnega materiala.


ekstrakcija;protopin;tekočinska kromatografija;Corydalis cava;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Valenko]
UDC: 579.222(043.2)
COBISS: 18597142 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1580
Downloads: 131
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The plant world is a large storage of various materals, which have lot of healing effects. People have used the plants or the entire plant world to reliave pain and other health problems. It is therefore not surprising that today, approximately half of all medicines that we use are made from plants. This thesis was to determine the optimal extraction conditions of Corydalis cava, content of protopine industrial and domestic tuber and any further use of tubers. With a single plant research and its alkaloids mainly protopine, is also increasing its use, since it is used as an analgesic, antidepressant, sedative, partly as an anticancer agent, and to control heart rate. For this purpose, we performed the extraction of industrial harvested tuber, which are gradually changing the initial conditions. From the initial conditions are changing only one parameter, in order to facilitate the comparison of results obtained. The conditions to be varied are the temperature, the solvent, the ratio of solid - solvent, particle size and pH of the solution, while the extraction time always remained the same. After completing the first part of the results of the extractions were analyzed using liquid chromatography. From the results obtained, we selected those who had the best value of protopine and under these conditions carried out further extraction of the root obtained from the local environment. The results of extractions of the industrial tuber show that we did get close to the content of protopine from literature (230 mg protopine /100 g material) under the following conditions: 50 % solution of ethanol, the temperature of 30 °C, particle size 0.5 to 0.63 mm and a ratio of solid solvent 4 g of material per 100 ml of solvent. While the results of the extraction of the tuber, which was obtained from the local forest was significantly lower and did not exceed 4 mg protopina per 100 g of starting material.
Secondary keywords: extraction;protopine;liquid chromatography;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: IX, 53 str.
ID: 8738882
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