doktorska disertacija
Sašo Vinkovič (Author), Milan Ojsteršek (Mentor)


V doktorski disertaciji predstavimo metodologijo, s katero je mogoče s pomočjo označevalnega jezika podati opis funkcionalnosti in lastnosti poljubne vgrajene naprave. Zasnova funkcionalnega profila omogoča pretvorbo v izvorno kodo programskega jezika ANSI C, ki je primerna za prevajanje na vgrajenih napravah z omejeno prostorsko in računsko zmogljivostjo. Razvit je nov komunikacijski protokol XMC, ki je namenjen prenosu sporočil med vgrajeno napravo in oddaljenim sistemom. Prav tako je razvit nov jezik XMDD, s katerim opišemo funkcionalni profil vgrajene naprave. Glavna prednost protokola XMC je njegova fleksibilnost in neodvisnost od tipa naprave. Primeren je za naprave z omejeno količino bralnega pomnilnika, reda nekaj K zlogov in omejeno računsko močjo. Postopek na podlagi slovarja funkcionalnosti in lastnosti vgrajene naprave, brez poseganja v bazično programsko opremo vgrajene naprave, omogoča dostop do vseh funkcionalnosti in lastnosti povezljive vgrajene naprave. S tem zagotavlja povezljivost na manj zmogljivih napravah, ohranja enako proizvodno ceno ter s programerskega vidika pregledno in fleksibilno nadgradnjo bazične izvorne kode brez vnosa redundance. Postavljene hipoteze smo potrdili z laboratorijskim poskusom na dveh vgrajenih napravah, hladilniku in pečici. Časovno odzivnost smo preizkusili z razvojem ogrodja, ki omogoča identifikacijo in upravljanje naprav, zasnovanih s protokolom XMC. Z njim lahko dostopamo do vseh funkcionalnosti povezljive naprave, ki so določene s profilom naprave. Ključna lastnost storitveno usmerjene arhitekture je ukazni tolmač, ki zagotavlja integracijo z obstoječimi ogrodji ter tvorbo novih funkcij in aplikacij z združevanjem različnih funkcionalnosti posameznih aparatov. S predlaganim pristopom tvorbe izvorne ter razvojem različnih orodij smo v disertaciji predstavili in razvili celovit postopek gradnje programske opreme, ki je primerna za povezljive vgrajene naprave z okrnjeno količino delovnega in bralnega pomnilnika.


komunikacijski protokol;internet stvari;hišna avtomatizacija;pametne naprave;tvorba izvorne kode;vgrajeni sistemi;storitveno usmerjena arhitektura;identifikacija naprave;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Publisher: [S. Vinkovič]
UDC: 004.973:004.777(043.3)
COBISS: 18593814 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2199
Downloads: 133
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: A methodology that enables a representation of functionalities and features of custom embedded device using a markup language is represented in this doctoral thesis. The design of a functional profile allows for ANSI C source code generation that is suitable for compilation on embedded devices with limited memory and computing power. A new communication protocol named XMC, which is designed for the transmission of messages between an embedded device and a remote system has been developed. Additionally, a new markup language called XMDD has also been developed and is used to describe the functional profile of the embedded device. The main advantage of the XMC communication protocol is its flexibility and independence from the device type. It is suitable for communication with devices that have a curtailed amount of working memory (a few kB) and limited computing power, i.e. 8-bit or 16-bit microcontrollers. Messaging between the embedded device and the remote systems is done without any interference with the basic source code of the embedded device, thus allowing access to all functionalities and features of the connectable embedded device and is based on the functionality dictionary and built-in features of an embedded device. It also maintains a low production price for the embedded device and from the programming point of view, provides a transparent and flexible upgrade of the hardware and software without any redundancy input. The hypotheses were confirmed by the experiment carried out on two embedded devices, namely a refrigerator and built-in oven. The time metrics showed how the length of the XMC communication packet affected the time required for the data transfer between the device and the remote system. For this purpose, the framework that allows for identification and control of household appliances that are designed with the XMC communication protocol was developed. It provides access to all functionalities and features of the connected household appliance that is defined by the appliance's functional profile. The key enabler of the service-oriented architecture is the command interpreter that allows for integration with existing frameworks and definition of new functions and applications by combining the existing functionalities of different appliances. Finally, a comprehensive process of building the software, suitable for connected embedded devices with a curtailed amount of RAM and flash memory has been presented and developed in this dissertation.
Secondary keywords: communication protocol;internet of things;home automation;functional profile;embedded systems;service-oriented architecture;device identification;
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko
Pages: XVI, 118 f.
ID: 8738957