magistrsko delo
Mateja Kop (Author), Milena Ivanuš-Grmek (Mentor), Branka Čagran (Co-mentor)


Formativno spremljanje ima v današnjem času vedno pomembnejšo vlogo, saj pomeni bolj nazorno spremljanje slehernega učenca ob pomoči in povratni informaciji učitelja za doseganje optimalnega rezultata učenca, primernega njegovim realnim zmožnostim. Konstruiranje znanja poteka ob procesu osmišljanja lastnih izkušenj. Pojmovanje bistva in nastajanja znanja temelji na prepričanju, da znanje ni nekaj, kar obstaja objektivno, neodvisno od tistega, ki spoznava, ampak je subjektiven konstrukt (zgradba), ki ga v procesu osmišljanja lastnih izkušenj ustvarja vsak posamezni učenec. Proces formativnega spremljanja je osredotočen na učenca, pri čemer učenec razvija spretnosti in veščine, ki vodijo v samostojno reševanje nalog. Vloga učitelja je, da učenca spremlja znotraj t. i. območja bližnjega razvoja, kar pomeni, da mu nudi ravno pravšnjo mero pomoči in vodenja. Na eni strani so učenci v takšnem konstruktivističnem okolju soočeni z izzivom, ki ga predstavlja samostojno odkrivanje koncepta, hkrati pa se učijo, kako se učiti, razvijajo ter implementirajo strategije, ki so značilne za samostojne misleče in učence. Prav tako je bistvo konstruktivizma v pedagogiki poudarjanje načina, procesa, učenčevega pridobivanja znanja oz. oblikovanja konstrukta. Za učitelje, ki formativno spremljajo učencevo znanje, je v veliki meri pomemben proces učenja, to je proces, skozi katerega posameznik usvaja spretnosti, strategije in sredstva, s katerimi lahko učinkovito izvede učno nalogo. Pomembno je tudi, kdaj in kako se uporablja posamezna učna strategija.


osnovne šole;konstruktivizem;preverjanje znanja;portfolio;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Kop]
UDC: 37.091.26:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 21304840 Link will open in a new window
Views: 6217
Downloads: 1096
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, constructivistic formative assessment has an increasingly important role, since it means a more exact following of every single learner with the teacher's help and feedback in order to achieve the best result possible when compared to his abilities. An individual does not recieve the knowledge from the outside but constructs it with his own activity. The proces of constructing knowledge is built by giving meaning to one's own experiences. Understanding the essence and the building of knowledge is based on a belief that knowledge is not something that exists objectively, independently from the one who is getting the experience and recognizing the meaning; instead, knowledge is a subjective construct which every single learner builds individually, throughout the process of giving meaning to thier own experiences. The process of formative assessment is focused on the learner, which can develop the skills for independent problem-solving. The teacher's role is monitoring the learner inside the socalled close development, within which he offers him the right amount of help and guidance. On one hand, learners in this kind of constructivistic environment are confronted with a challenge of individually detecting and building the concept, and on the other, they learn how to learn, they develop and implement the strategies that are typical for independent thinkers and learners. Also, one of the main points of constructivism in pedagogy is emphasising the ways, the process, the learner's generation of knowledge and production of the construct. For teaches who assess their learners' knowledge formatively, a very important aspect is the process of learning; the process through which the individual creates skills, strategies, and means of effectively performing a learning task. It is also important when and how a certain learning strategy is used.
Secondary keywords: primary schools;constructivism;knowledge testing;portfolio;master theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za pedagogiko
Pages: 147 f.
ID: 8739224