diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Organizacija in management delovnih procesov
Rajko Špilak (Author), Davorin Kofjač (Mentor)


Zaloga nastane, kadar se vhodi ali izhodi podjetja ne porabijo takoj, ko so na razpolago, torej je vsak neizrabljen vir, ki čaka na bodočo uporabo. Nujne so za neprekinjeno delovanje proizvodnih sistemov in za zadovoljivo raven storitev. Ker zaloge vežejo nase pomemben del finančnih sredstev podjetja, je upravljanje z zalogami tudi eno izmed najbolj pomembnih in zahtevnih dejavnosti v podjetju. V diplomskem delu obravnavamo pomen zalog ter njihov vpliv na poslovanje podjetja Kemofarmacija d.d, ki se ukvarja s prodajo zdravil z najširšo ponudbo izdelkov za humano in veterinarsko medicino v Sloveniji. V podjetju imajo največ težav z nekurantnimi zalogami in z izdelki s kratkimi roki, katere smo podrobneje analizirali. Z uvedbo ABC analize bi lažje določili nekurantne zaloge, ki so najbolj kritične za podjetje oz. podjetju povzročajo največji strošek in bi jih zato bilo potrebno zmanjšati. V nadaljevanju smo predlagali izboljšan proces z izdelavo programa za vodenje evidenc naročanja artiklov vezanih na javna naročila ter artiklov po naročilu kupcev, zaradi katerih v podjetju nastaja največ nekurantnih zalog. V ta program bi vpeljali podatke o vključitvi artiklov na posamezen javni razpis in obdobje trajanja javnih razpisov, ter podatke o kupcih in njihovih naročilih. Rezultat tega bi bilo lažje vodenje evidenc in boljša preglednost nad njimi, in s tem manjše nastajanje nekurantnih zalog, nastalih zaradi artiklov po naročilu (APN).


nekurantne zaloge;upravljanje zalog;ABC analiza;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [R. Špilak]
UDC: 658.7
COBISS: 7431187 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1488
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Inventory is any unused resource, waiting for the future use. It occurs when the inputs or outputs of companies are not used as soon as they become available. They are essential for continuous operation of production systems and to a satisfactory level of service. Since inventories bind to themselves an important part of the financial assets of the company, the inventory management is also one of the most important and challenging activities in the company. In the diploma thesis, we talk about the meaning of inventories and about their impact on business of company Kemofarmacija d.d., which deals with the sale of medicinal products with the widest range of products for human and veterinary medicine in Slovenia. The company has the most problems with obsolete inventories and with products that have tight deadlines, which are analyzed further. The introduction of ABC analysis would help to determine obsolete inventories, which are the most critical for the company or causing to the company the biggest cost and therefore they should be reduced. In addition, we propose an improved process with the establishment of a program for keeping records of ordering products related to public procurement and products related to customer orders. These products are the main reason for the production of obsolete inventories in our company. In this program we propose the introduction of data on the inclusion of products on individual public procurement and data about duration of these public procurement, as well as information about customers and their orders. The result of this would be easier record keeping of inventories and better transparency over them, thus a reduction of the generation of obsolete inventories incurred as a result of products to order.
Secondary keywords: obsolete inventories;inventory control;ABC analysis;Kemofarmacija;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 45 f.
ID: 8739715
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