(specialistično delo)
Ljudmila Pavlin (Author), Milica Lahe (Mentor)


Zdrava prehrana je za otroke in mladostnike izjemno pomembna, tako ne preseneča dejstvo, da poteka veliko število raziskav s področja prehranjevanja z sadjem in zelenjavo, rezultati le teh pa pokažejo na trenutno stanje prehranjevanja, ter služijo za izhodišče pri oblikovanju strategije na tem področju. Namen specialističnega dela je bil pregled literature, raziskav in ukrepov na področju dnevnega vnosa sadja in zelenjave pri otrocih ter pregled ukrepov za izboljšanje trenutnega stanja. Metodologija dela. Uporabljena je metoda analize v delu pregleda literature, metoda konkretizacije pri prikazu neustreznega dnevnega vnosa sadja in zelenjave ter metoda sinteze, kjer so raziskave združene v celoto in omogočajo preglednost tematike. Rezultati. Rezultati pregledanih in objavljenih raziskav kažejo, da je dnevni vnos sadja zadosten, medtem ko je vnos zelenjave prenizek v vseh starostnih obdobjih. Slovenija v zadostni meri sprejema dokumente, ki urejajo to področje, istočasno potekajo tudi ukrepi za povečan vnos sadja in zelenjave pri otrocih. Vendar je še vedno prenizka osveščenost v vseh starostnih skupinah prebivalcev. Predvsem v šolskem okolju lahko govorimo o velikem zavedanju problema in velikem številu uspešnih projektov za povečanje dnevnega vnosa omenjenih skupin živil.. Urejenost šolske prehrane je izredno dobra, saj šole ponujajo kar štiri obroke. Sklep. Zaposlitev kliničnega dietetika v šolah bi močno vplival na ustreznejši način prehranjevanja učencev, saj bi poleg osnovnega urejanja jedilnikov omogočal tudi izvedbo spremljajočih aktivnosti za otroke in odrasle, ki jih obdajajo. Za doseganje zadostnega dnevnega vnosa sadja in zelenjave bo potrebno večletno trdo delo, med sektorsko sodelovanje vseh vključenih v procese vzgoje in izobraževanja. Poleg sistemskega reševanja obstoječih težav s prehranjevanjem v šolah, bo potrebno izraziteje delovati na preventivnem področju izobraževanja in dela z odraslimi torej starši, starimi starši in vsemi, ki prihajajo v stik z otroci.


sadje in zelenjava;otroci;šola;klinični dietetik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization: UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Publisher: [L. Pavlin]
UDC: 613.262-053.5(043)
COBISS: 2100388 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1683
Downloads: 241
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Healthy food is extremely important for children and teenagers. Therefore it is not surprising that there are many researches about fruit and vegetables eating habits where the results show the current state of the eating habits and serve as the basis for designing strategies on that field. The purpose of that specialist work was an overview of literature, researches and measures of children’s daily input of fruit and vegetables as well as an overview of measures for current state improvement. Work methodology: Various methods have been used, namely analysis in the part of the literature overview, exemplification when demonstrating unsuitable daily fruit and vegetables input and synthesis where the researches are combined into the whole and enable clarity of the topic. Results: The results of the examined and published researches show that daily input of fruit is sufficient while the input of vegetables in all age brackets is too low. Slovenia passes documents, which regulate this area, sufficiently and at the same time runs measures for increased fruit and vegetables input with children. The awareness in all age brackets is still not high enough. We can claim that people in the school environment are really aware of the problem. Many successful projects for increasing the daily input of the mentioned food groups are good evidence. The arrangement of school meals is extremely good since schools offer four meals. Resolution: A clinical dietician in schools would strongly influence more appropriate way of students’ eating habits. Beside arranging menus he could enable the performance of accompanying activities for children and adults. It will take a few years effort to achieve sufficient daily fruit and vegetables input and cross-sectoral cooperation of all included into the process of education. Beside systematically solving the existing issues with eating habits in schools, it will be necessary to work on preventive area of education more distinctly and to work with parents, grandparents and all who are in contact with children.
Secondary keywords: fruit and vegetables;children;school;a clinic dietician;
Type (COBISS): Specialist thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede
Pages: VIII, 58 f., [15] f. pril.
ID: 8740439
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