diplomsko delo


Diplomska naloga obravnava socialnozvrstno zaznamovano besedje iz Slovarja novejšega besedja slovenskega jezika (SNB), ki je izšel leta 2012 in je prehodni slovar med prvo in drugo izdajo Slovarja slovenskega knjižnega jezika (SSKJ). Pogovorne in žargonske izraze obravnava z vidika rabe, ki je preverjena v uravnoteženem korpusu Kres, v primerjavi z rabo njihovih sopomenk - bodisi nezaznamovanih iz SNB bodisi že obravnavanih v prvi izdaji SSKJ. Cilj naloge je ugotoviti povezavo med zaznamovanostjo oziroma nezaznamovanostjo besed in pogostnostjo njihove rabe. Vse besedje (socialnozvrstno zaznamovani izrazi in njihove sopomenke) je zbrano v obsežni tabeli, kjer so poleg ustreznih kvalifikatorjev navedeni tudi podatki o pojavnosti posamezne besede v Kresu, tako skupno število pojavitev kot za posamezne besedilne vrste. V prvem delu diplomske naloge so pojasnjene okoliščine in omejitve pri zbiranju podatkov, zlasti nanašajoče se na zmožnosti in pomanjkljivosti korpusa. Sledi analiza podatkov, ki pokaže pričakovane rezultate o pogostejši rabi nezaznamovanih besed z izjemo posameznih primerov in odstopanj v nekaterih besedilnih vrstah. Podrobneje je raziskana tudi raba nekaterih oblik (pravopisne variante, različna obrazila istokorenskih parov, spolski pari, vidski pari). Med iskanjem podatkov v korpusu se je izkazalo, da je katera od variant znotraj naštetih oblik pogosteje uporabljena, a v slovarju ni zastopana, enako velja za posamezne sopomenke, ki jih v SNB ne najdemo, v korpusu pa imajo višjo pojavnost kot kaka uslovarjena sopomenka. Kar 14 % socialnozvrstno zaznamovanih besed iz SNB v Kresu nima nobene pojavitve. Nazadnje so ti primeri preverjeni še v drugi izdaji SSKJ, kjer so nekatera gesla ostala nespremenjena, nekatera so dobila drug kvalifikator, nekatera postala nezaznamovana, nekatera pa so bila opuščena.


diplomska dela;socialnozvrstni kvalifikator;SNB;Kres;sopomenke;sinonimi;pojavnost;pogostnost rabe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [Š. Novak]
UDC: 811.163.6'37(043.2)
COBISS: 21515272 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1617
Downloads: 115
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Lexems with register qualificator in the Dictionary of recent vocabulary of Slovenian language
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with vocabulary marked by register from the Dictionary of Recent Vocabulary of Slovenian Language (SNB) which was released in 2012 and is a transient dictionary between the first and second edition of the Dictionary of the Slovenian Language (SSKJ). Formal and jargon expressions are dealt with from the point of use which has been verified in a balanced corpus Kres, comparing them to the use of their synonyms: either unmarked from SNB or those already discussed in the first edition of SSKJ. The aim of this work is to establish a link between words marked by register or those unmarked by it, and the frequency of their use. All vocabulary (terms marked by register and their synonyms) is collected in a large table where, in addition to the appropriate qualificators, there are also the data on the occurrence of each word in Kres indicated: the total number of occurrences and occurrences in individual text types. In the first part of the thesis there are the circumstances and limitations in data collection, particularly relevant to the capabilities and shortcomings of the corpus, explained. Then follows the data analysis which shows the expected results of the frequent use of unmarked words, with the exception of individual cases and variations in certain types of text. The use of certain forms, such as spelling variants, different affixes of same-root pairs, gender pairs, and finiteness pairs, is further dealt with. While searching for data in the corpus, it turned out that some of the variants within these forms are often used, but not represented in the dictionary; the same is true for individual synonyms not found in SNB but which have a higher incidence than a particular synonym from the dictionary. As many as 14 % of words marked by register from SNB has no occurrences in Kres. Finally, these cases are examined further in the second edition of SSKJ where some headwords have remained unchanged, some have received another qualificator, some have become unmarked, and some have been abandoned.
Secondary keywords: theses;register qualificator;SNB;Kres;synonyms;occurance;frequency of use;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: II, 38 f., 24. f. pril.
ID: 8751644