magistrsko delo
Simona Zakelšek (Author), Simona Šarotar Žižek (Mentor), Vesna Čančer (Co-mentor)


Kariernemu razvoju podjetja se danes daje vse večji poudarek, in sicer zaradi zavedanja, kako pomembni so kompetentni človeški viri oz. zaposleni. Vedno bolj se pomena kariernega razvoja zavedajo tudi zaposleni, saj ustvariti kariero ne pomeni več samo vertikalnega napredovanja po hierarhični lestvici, ampak to danes pomeni mnogo več – pridobiti številna nova znanja in izkušnje iz svojega profesionalnega ali kakšnega drugega področja, ki so zaposlenim v veliko pomoč pri uspešnem opravljanju dela in so mnogokrat povezana z začasnim delom na drugih delovnih mestih, pri čemer mislimo horizontalne, lahko pa tudi vertikalne premike navzdol. Vezni člen vsega skupaj je pridobivanje novih in drugačnih znanj ter izkušenj oz. kompetenc, ki jih zaposleni potrebujejo za opravljanje svojega sedanjega in prihodnjega dela. Seveda pri tem ne smemo pozabiti, da je moč karierni razvoj izvesti le v sodelovanju med podjetjem in zaposlenim, saj bi enostranskost v tem primeru bila nezadostna. Torej morata podjetje in zaposleni vzajemno sodelovati, saj le tako lahko pride do uspeha – novih sposobnosti, znanj, veščin in izkušenj, ki vodijo k poslovnim uspehom podjetja. Če želimo, da bo karierni razvoj zaposlenih potekal optimalno, morata obe strani (podjetje in zaposleni) opredeliti cilje, v skladu s katerimi želita, da poteka karierni razvoj. Te cilje lahko uresničujeta s pomočjo različnih sredstev in metod. S tem namenom lahko podjetje pripravi različne pristope razvoja zaposlenih, zaposleni pa pripravijo temeljne determinante svojega modela za načrtovanje kariere, pri čemer so jim lahko na začetku v veliko pomoč karierna sidra. S pomočjo vprašalnika na temo kariernih sider (med drugim ga je možno dobiti in izpolniti na Zavodu za zaposlovanje RS) lahko posameznik ugotovi, v katero karierno sidro spada, kar mu lahko pomaga pri samospoznavanju in določitvi ciljev, ki jim želi slediti na karierni poti. S ciljem podkrepiti spoznanja iz teoretičnega dela magistrskega dela smo v empiričnem delu raziskali, kako poteka karierni razvoj zaposlenih v enem izmed slovenskih podjetij. Raziskovali smo karierni razvoj v invalidskem podjetju, kjer smo ugotovili naslednje: zaposleni so slabo seznanjeni z vizijo razvoja organizacije in vizijo razvoja človeških virov; zaposleni so deležni zelo malo oz. skoraj nič dodatnih izobraževanj in usposabljanj; podjetje skoraj ne pozna svojih zaposlenih in posledično ne izrablja vseh njihovih potencialov. Rezultati so pokazali, da zaposleni razumejo karierni razvoj tako, kot smo ga opisali v teoretičnem delu, vendar je po našem mnenju v podjetju na tem področju premalo sodelovanja med zaposlenimi in vodstvom podjetja. Ker je podjetje invalidsko, je na marsikaterem področju potrebnih veliko prilagoditev. Tako so zaposleni tudi na področju kariernega razvoja omejeni glede na svoje zmožnosti in sposobnosti ter bi potrebovali prilagojen program kariernega razvoja vsakega posameznega zaposlenega. Glede na rezultate, ki smo jih pridobili z raziskavo, smo podjetju podali nekatere predloge, kako bi lahko izboljšali sedanje stanje na področju človeških virov in kariernega razvoja zaposlenih.


človeški viri;management človeških virov;zaposleni;razvoj;kariera;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [S. Zakelšek]
UDC: 005.966
COBISS: 12053276 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1192
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Career development of employees in social enterprise X
Secondary abstract: Career development has gained a growing emphasis among companies that are aware of the importance of competent human resources or employees. Employees are also increasingly realizing the importance of career development. Building a career means not just vertically advancing up the hierarchy ladder, but much more – to gain new professional and other knowledge and experience that makes it possible for the employees to successfully carry out their work, and are often connected with temporary work positions, where horizontal and also vertical downward movements are being implemented. In short, the connecting link is gaining new different kinds of knowledge, experience, and competencies needed so employees can continue performing their present and future work. It must be noted that career development is possible only if the company and the employee can work together. Unilateral efforts would be insufficient. Accordingly the company and the employee must cooperate in order to become successful – to gain new abilities, knowledge, skills, and experience that lead to a successful business. If achieving optimal career development is the goal, both sides – the company and the employee – must define goals with which they are able to determine the course of the career development. These goals can be achieved in a variety of ways. That way the company can prepare a range of approaches for the employee’s career development, and the employees can prepare ground determinants of their career planning model. For starters they can help themselves with career anchors. Through a questionnaire on the subject of career anchors (which is also available at the Employment Services of the Republic of Slovenia) the individuals can determine to which career anchor they belong, so that they can pursue their self-employment plans and determine the goals they wish to follow. The goal was to substantiate the discoveries in the theoretical part of this master’s thesis. That is why the empiric part researched the course of career development at one Slovenian company. Our research concentrated on career development at a company employing disabled individuals. Our conclusions are as follows: the employees are vaguely familiar with the vision about the company’s development and the development of human resources. They are included in very few to no additional educational or training activities. The company does not know its employees and therefore cannot use their full potential. The results also showed that employees perceive career development the same way it is described in the theoretical part of this thesis, whereas there is a lack of collaboration between the company and its employees. Because the company employs disabled individuals, there are many areas where adjustments are necessary. The employees have limited options when it comes to their career development, because of their capability and ability restrictions. As a result, the company would need an adjusted career programme for each of its employees. According to the results gained during our research, we have prepared and proposed some solutions on how to improve the existing situation in the department of human resources and career development of employees.
Secondary keywords: human resources;HR management;development of human resources;career development of employees;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 80 str., VII str. pril.
ID: 8751713
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